The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 8, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 8th May

Good morning P2!

It’s Friday again! Hopefully the good weather continues this weekend.

Here is your learning for today:

8th May Grid pdf (1)

I have included a challenge and a video about VE day and I have explained what this means in the grid. Here are a few examples of bunting you might have seen at a street party on VE day 75 years ago:

Red White and Blue Bunting | The Cotton Bunting Company         Bristol Property Live | Home

Apple Long Bunting - Retro to Go

I would love to see your designs!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

Miss Fleming 🙂


May 8, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 8.5.20 – Alphabet ‘Hh’

Here is your alphabet task today.  Watch these video clips and practice remembering what the letter sound and the letter name is.

We are practicing ‘Hh’

  • the letter sound
  • the letter name

Miss Brown 😁



May 8, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 8.5.20 😁

Hi Primary 2/1

It is again the last day of the week, weeks are flying by.

Today is a special bank holiday for VE day.  Here is a little bit about it.  Thank you to Mrs Clayton.

Here is your grid today.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 8.5.20

Here is your maths activity (a bigger version)


Other – Here is the weather diary example for the next week.  I will post again on Monday.


Hope you are enjoying the photo challenge.  Send me a wee message telling me what activities you are enjoying or not enjoying with home learning.

Photo Challenge

I had some lovely photos yesterday.  Today’s challenge is a photo of a vegetable.  I will post mine on Monday 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of an animal:

Miss Brown 😁




May 7, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the learning activities from yesterday. Today, we continue to learn about Time and practise our subtraction skills.  We are going to focus on quarter past today. There are a couple of videos to watch. One talks about dividing the clock face into 4 equal bits- Quarters ( because there are 4 of them) 1= a whole, 2=  halves, 3= thirds, 4= quarters and 5= fifths etc.  This is just a little introduction to fractions as we will be moving onto fractions next week. We will then be learning about division.

Hint: Remember that as you move around the clock face, you are counting in 5’s which we all know. Practise this with an adult then look at o’clock, half past and quarter past. We will look in more detail at quarter past and quarter to, tomorrow morning.

I am really hoping that you enjoyed the Star Wars themed activities to celebrate May the 4th?

If you made a star ship, then send me your photos so I can post them to our P3 page on the Blog where everyone in class can take a look.

Have a great day

Kind Regards

Mrs McDonnell

Learning Grid 20 7th May

May 7, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Thursday 7th May

Good morning everybody,

It is hard to believe that it is Thursday again already.  I hope you are getting the chance to go outside and get some exercise in this gorgeous sunshine we are having.  I was out yesterday and planted some more seeds and I think I will go and plant some more this afternoon.

Here is your grid for today.  There are a few sheets attached to the grid today which you can answer in your jotter or if you have a printer you can print off and complete, it is your choice.   Don’t forget to log on to Active Learn and read your book and answer the green bug questions.

Thursday 7th May

Have a fabulous day.

Mrs Clayton.

May 7, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Thursday 7th May

Hello everyone,

Hope we all enjoyed the sun yesterday it was beautiful outside! I have uploaded today’s learning grid below! It’s writing day today and I look forward to reading your descriptions of a horrible meal for Mr Twit!

Today is a very exciting day for me, I’m getting a little puppy chihauhau!! I am very excited and I will send a picture tomorrow! His name is Kala and he is only 8 weeks old! I’m sure he will feature in many of my future posts! As most of you ask me if I have children, my answer will now be ‘I am a pup mom’ haha!

Hope everyone has another great day and I look forward to seeing some more photos of learning on the learning journals! Also, just a reminder that there is a school quiz on Facebook tonight at 6pm! It was great fun last week with Mrs McCann as the quiz master! Well done to Harris for beating me on the very last question! But don’t worry I’ll have my A game with me tonight!

Miss D 🙂

P.s. A big happy 6th birthday to James!! I hope you have a fab day 🙂

day 2

May 7, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 7.5.20 😁

Hello all,

I hope you are safely enjoying the nice weather we have been having.  This is quite a long Blog today as you have a few documents to help you with your learning.

Here is today’s grid

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 7.5.20

Here is your sharing/division work.

Divide sharing 7.5

Here is your writing instructions and Miss Brown’s example to help you.

7.5 writing

Miss Brown’s example

Photo Challenge

I set three photos yesterday.  I had some lovely photos yesterday, i like the nature and water pictures.  Today’s challenge is a photo of an animal. 

These were take a photo of something yellow, nature and water.  Here are Miss Brown’s:


Miss Brown 😁

May 7, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 7th May

Good morning P2!

I hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having.

Here is your learning grid for today:

7th May grid pdf

I went for a walk recently and look what I saw!

It reminded me of the fun we had on our school trip and it made me smile!

For adults, I have put together a list of some tips for reading with your child:

Tips for Reading at Home pdf

I hope this is helpful!

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything.

Miss Fleming 🙂

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