The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 14, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3- When I get older- Our Ideas

This week you were asked to explore and imagine what the world would be like when you are 64.

I was sent some work and a photo  answering this question. It would be great to see the rest of your thoughts and ideas which you can send through the school email  address-





Excellent photo and ideas, thank you for your hard work.

Mrs McDonnell



May 14, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning everyone,

I hope you are looking forward to our learning today?

I have added a Magic Grandpa video about the Great Fire of London. See how their technology compares back then, to today’s and how they tried to control the fires compared with in Australia, which we looked at in class.

We are going to look at 24 hour clock in our Time topic. Don’t worry if it seems confusing, ask an adult to show you on the digital display and when you have completed the attached worksheet you will be able to read over and practise. If you do not have a printer just answer the questions in your jotter and you can copy the clock face down as that will help you to learn more. Take your time with it and practise by looking at digital displays in the house. You will find these on a tablet, computer, microwave, cooker etc.

Learning Grid 14th May 2020

Have fun and make sure you get out in to the sunshine to play in the garden or take a walk.

Thank you for the fab photos I received yesterday showing lots of hard work and a fantastic piece of  writing imagining when you are older, the photo  with this was great. I will post some of these to show everyone.

Kind Regards

Mrs McDonnell

May 14, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Thursday 14th May

Hello P1,

I hope we are all well! Below is today’s learning grid! I hope you have fun when completing the tasks, I know Kala and I did haha! I can’t wait to see some pictures of your ‘sharing hands’, I would love to make a big collage of them all, if everyone manages to complete! Please upload your finished poster (or work in your jotter) on you learning blog! I can’t wait!

Well done to all that have managed to complete the sumdog spelling and numeracy/maths check-up, I have been really impressed with how you guys are getting on 🙂

Here are some pictures and video clips from today at one of the hub schools! Miss Brown and I and some other teachers took part in a socially distanced silent disco, it was great fun, we had a great wee boogie!

Here’s to another great day of learning,

Miss D and Kala 🙂

day 4

P.s. This is Kala doing his home learning prep yesterday haha!

May 14, 2020
by Mrs Clayton
1 Comment

P3/2 – Thursday 14th May

Good morning P3/2,

I hope everyone is wide awake and ready for another day.

Here is the grid for today.  We are going to practice our inferring skills in reading so get ready to be detectives.  In numeracy we are carrying on with our division work and if you choose hot or spicy you will see that I have given you the answers to yesterday’s work on one side of the sheet and then today’s questions on the other side.  I hope I haven’t made any mistakes with my answers today!  We are carrying on with our history topic and then I have given you the links to some different yoga stories to try for PE.

Thursday 14th May

I would love to see how you are all getting on this week, perhaps you could share your writing, your portraits or an example of your division.  Remember you can ask an adult to upload any photographs to your learning journal and I can see them there.

Have a fabulous day.

Mrs Clayton.

May 14, 2020
by Miss Fleming
1 Comment

P2 14th May

Good morning P2!

Here is your learning grid for today

14th May Grid

I am very impressed that some people have finished the challenge on Sumdog! If you haven’t tried it yet, make sure to have a go by tomorrow.

Today is our writing day so choose one of the pictures in the grid to write about, and remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!

Let me know if you need anything and I’d love to see or hear how you are getting on! Remember you can show me on Learning Journals or by emailing the school office.

Miss Fleming 🙂

May 14, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 14.5.20  😁

Hello all,

Hope you are all well.  Some feedback from some was another story.  Miss Brown forgot to post on Monday so look out for this Monday.

Here is your learning grid for today:

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 14.5.20

Here is the writing document, Miss Brown’s example and maths document.

14.5 writing

Miss Brown’s Example

Divide 14.5

Photo Challenge Photo a day challenge

Today’s challenge is a photo of something down low.  It can be tricky, can be taken in different ways.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of something silly:

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

May 13, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all well and having a good week?

Our learning activities continue today by returning to look at telling the time using a digital display. There are a couple of video clips to watch and a worksheet to complete. There is also a challenge on Sumdog to help you practise fractions and times tables.

I have asked you all to do some writing today too. Imagine you are 64 years old. I have added an episode of Magic Grandad and a song to help you. You should have interviewed a relative or a family friend via phone or zoom by now. This will also help you. Use your imagination and ask an adult to help if you find anything tricky.

How will the world have changed?

What will daily life be like?

What have you achieved in life?

Write in Sentences using capital letters at the start of each new sentence or if you use a proper noun- name of a place or someone’s name. Try to use interesting adjectives if you can. End each sentence with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark if appropriate. Use finger spaces in between words and check over each sentence to make sure it makes sense.  Don’t worry too much about spelling, just sound out words and try your best.Include a picture of what you might look like.

Learning Grid 13th May 2020

I would love to hear from you or see your work. You can take a picture and send it to me via the school email address

Have a good day

Mrs McDonnell

May 13, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Wednesday 13th May

Good morning P1,

Below is today’s learning grid! I have been super impressed with the engagement with teh STEM tasks – it is great to see everyone getting stuck into the activities! Wish I was there to hear about all the different problems you came across and to see your problem solving skills in action!

Have another fun day of learning!

Miss D and Kala 🙂

day 3

May 13, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Wednesday 13th May

Good morning everyone,

We are already halfway through another week and even better, the sun is shining again.

Today we are going to go back to working on writing instructions in literacy.  I have given you some information on how to add some more details to the layout of your instructions.  You need to scroll through the pages of the link and it will go through step by step.  In numeracy we are continuing with our division work and we have the last of my videos for now.  We are also returning to our history topic and looking at another Magic Grandad video today.

Wednesday 13th May

Yesterday I posted a link to a survey about school dinners.  The link is here again and it would be wonderful if you could spend a few moments filling it in with an adult.

Have a wonderful day.

Mrs Clayton

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