The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Busy, Busy, Busy!


This week, we went through all three of our Scots language poems (we only have to learn one though!)  We listened to the rhythm and rhyme and found out what the Scots words mean.  We were able to answer different types of questions about the poems and showed a good understanding.  Lots of people have been practising their poems and a few can even recite them off by heart already!  Remember, it’s about the performance too so add in expression, facial expressions and maybe even some movement.

We are coming to the end of our class novel – ‘Really Weird Removals.Com’ – and it has been pretty exciting this week!  Our characters met a lot of mythical creatures – some friendly and others not so friendly (I definitely would not like to meet a baobhan sith – I’m sure any P5 can explain why not!)  We used our novel as a stimulus for writing, where we wrote our own adventures of the main characters.  We continued our focus on using different openers in our story and we are making good progress with this.

In maths, we worked on written multiplication and mental subtraction.  We are more able to discuss the different strategies we use to help us.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about teeth.  We learned the names and functions of the teeth but our main focus was to consider the impact of sugar and sugary snacks/drinks on our teeth.  We calculated the amount of sugar in some of our favourite snacks and drinks and some of us were surprised by how much sugar some of them contained!  We then weighed out the amount of sugar for each snack and put this is a see-through bag.  We are going to make a display to show the other pupils our findings.  We learned that the best time to eat/drink a sugary treat was with a meal, and this decreases the ‘acid attacks’ on your teeth.

We continued to look at artists in art, and this week was Andy Warhol.  We found out that he was very ill as a little boy and developed a phobia of hospitals.  However, he used his childhood illness as an inspiration for some of his most iconic works – his Mum always made him Campbell’s Soup when he was poorly and the soup cans feature in some of his famous pop art.  We decided to do a Scottish take on pop art – and created our own using an image of an Irn Bru can.

We have had a busy week beginning work for our show.  All auditions are now complete and we have learned our first song.  We have begun work on some of the decorations for the hall.  Excitement levels are high!

We had a special treat on Wednesday when Mrs McCann came to teach us French.  Ooh, la la!

Have a great weekend!


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