Week beginning 18th December

The last week of term! All the Primary 3 children would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our highlights from this week include:

  • Rebecca won a prize from Tesco for their bauble design competition
  • Anna M won the Primary 3 design a Christmas card competition
  • Ruby won the Rotary Club Coffee Morning Poster competition. We look forward to seeing her poster in town sometime in the New Year.
  • Arlo became the first of us to reach 20 rainbow stickers
  • We completed some writing about the Nativity Story
  • We had a whole school reward afternoon
  • We finished our board games and played them with the Primary 2 class
  • In maths we finished our work on shape by creating some Christmas pictures out of 2D shapes
  • We finished giving our personal presentations about Toys

Week Beginning 11th December 2017

All this week has had a wonderful feel throughout the school, we in P5 have certainly been enjoying this wonderful time of year.

Monday saw the whole school boarding coaches to Livingston to watch a highly entertaining pantomime which all of the children thoroughly enjoyed, it was lovely to see them all participating and joining in the singing and chanting during the show.

From that point on it was all about getting set for our Christmas performance, which I can say proudly they pulled off brilliantly. Each time the children performed they really put in 100% effort and the result I am sure will agree was well worth all the effort. Throughout the week we have continued to look at ‘A Christmas Carol’ focussing particularly on the various ghosts that appear in the book as we compare and contrast them. We have been thinking about which ghost had the biggest impact on Scrooge and why. Maths this week has continued to look at number facts particularly around multiplication. We have also been enjoying learning a multiplication mash up !!!!

We were treated to a wonderful Christmas dinner on Thursday which set us all up for our evening performance, I am very grateful to everyone who braved the icy conditions and joined us at the church. It really felt very festive both inside the church and in the hall afterwards. It was lovely to meet many of the parents during this time and being able to introduce myself to you.

As we look towards next week, I know it will be a fun filled learning week with an emphasis on the Christmas story and what it means to us all.

Week Beginning the 11th December

Its Christmas!!! This week we went to see Beauty and the Beast! It was really funny and the baddie was terrifying! On Wednesday we held our first performance of Grandpa’s Nativity Story and on Thursday we had our Christmas lunches and our second performance of the Nativity in the church.  We had great fun and the P1/2s were amazing, they remembered all of their words! On Friday we decorated our slippers and wore them in school, we brought in £1 to raise money for the homeless at Christmas! We were part of the choir and we were filmed for the West Lothian website so we will be famous!!

Here are some of our Christmas memories for 2017

Week Beginning 11th December

Wow, this has been such a busy week in the run up to Christmas. Our highlights from this week include:

  • We did our Nativity performances in the hall and at the church. We all did a fantastic job.
  • Those of us in the Choir were filmed and our video will be going on the council website.
  • We have been making our very own board games.
  • We had our Christmas lunch
  • We have been making coffee morning posters for the Rotary Club
  • On Monday we went to see ‘Beauty and the Beast’ the pantomime, it was great.
  • In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes and 2D shapes
  • We have been presenting talks about Toys
  • We made a recipe for Mince Pies
  • Today it is Christmas slipper day and we are raising money for ‘Slippers for Shelter’.


Week beginning the 11th of December

Congratulations to primary 1 and 2 on a fantastic nativity!  They worked so hard and performed two fantastic shows to the school community.  Well done to primary 2 on a super performance of the song ‘Around the World’ you sang beautifully!  We had a very yummy Christmas lunch with turkey, ice cream and juice!  We continued our class talks on our favourite toy.

Week beginning 4th of December

Primary 2 made finger print Rudolph the Reindeer and Christmas tree cards to sell at our Christmas Fayre last Friday.  We walked to the church on Wednesday to run through the nativity and practise our lines.  We started our class talks on our favourite toy.  We described our toy, where we got it and what we like to do with it.  In P.E we learned some traditional dances.

Week beginning the 4th December 2017

What a Welcome!

We didn’t get a chance to update our blog last week because Glow was down so we have included some pictures of our  business enterprise Christmas Fayre event last         week.

We enjoyed selling all of the things we had made and we enjoyed working out our profit. We will let you know next week how much money our businesses made and how we intend to spend the money we made.

On Monday  we were very excited to hear about the birth of Mrs Scott’s  baby boy on Friday the 1st of December!

W were also delighted to meet our new teacher Mr Reed!

It has been a bust week on Monday we went to visit the Longcroft hall, where we were ‘Unwrapping Christmas’ by becoming involved in the Christmas story as well as participating in some lovely Christmas crafts which we were proud to take home.

With Nativity rehearsals in school and at the church it really feels like Christmas is in full swing.

In literacy we have been learning about Charles Dickens ‘Christmas Carol’ the children have been exploring different characters and the reasons why they behaved in a particular way.

In Maths we have been learning new ways to reinforce our times tables.

We have had a great week in P5 and are looking forward to our Nativity performance next week.

Week Beginning the 4th December

This week we started a new topic ‘The Toy factory’ we have also had to do lots of practice to prepare for next weeks Nativity. Our highlights from this week include:

  • Advent has started and we have our own advent calendar which we have been opening each day. We also looked at the one on the CBeebies and CBBC website.
  • In Maths we have been learning about 3D shape and we made cubes to go on our Christmas Tree.
  • We played a board game and have been designing our very own board games.
  • We walked to the church to practice the Nativity.
  • We learnt about St Nicholas and completed a reading comprehension about him.

Week beginning the 4th December 2017

Glow was down last week so we didn’t get a chance to update our school blog.

Last week we got ready for our school Fayre. We priced books and toys and did some home baking which we priced on Friday morning. We used our money maths skills to run all the Christmas Fayre stalls. We had great fun and we raised  £194. 92. Thanks to all those who came to the Fayre for their support.

We continued with our World War 2 topic and found out about the reasons for and against the Treat of Versailles.

In Art – we sketched spitfires and we used blending and shading  to create Blitz pictures.

In Literacy – we finished our ‘Spy’ Stories’

In Maths  – we continued with our topic on Multiplication and Division.

In Health and Well being –  we had a  Food for Thought lesson from Tesco. We played board games that made us think about body image and the correct foods to eat. Then we designed our own posters to show what we had learned. The posters were judged by Tesco. Katy Murray and Lucy Williamson’s poster won  and their prize was a fruit basket which the girls kindly shared with the class.

In Music and Drama – we practised for our school Nativity we are looking forward to performing for our parents  and guardians next week.


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