Week Beginning 11th December 2017

All this week has had a wonderful feel throughout the school, we in P5 have certainly been enjoying this wonderful time of year.

Monday saw the whole school boarding coaches to Livingston to watch a highly entertaining pantomime which all of the children thoroughly enjoyed, it was lovely to see them all participating and joining in the singing and chanting during the show.

From that point on it was all about getting set for our Christmas performance, which I can say proudly they pulled off brilliantly. Each time the children performed they really put in 100% effort and the result I am sure will agree was well worth all the effort. Throughout the week we have continued to look at ‘A Christmas Carol’ focussing particularly on the various ghosts that appear in the book as we compare and contrast them. We have been thinking about which ghost had the biggest impact on Scrooge and why. Maths this week has continued to look at number facts particularly around multiplication. We have also been enjoying learning a multiplication mash up !!!!

We were treated to a wonderful Christmas dinner on Thursday which set us all up for our evening performance, I am very grateful to everyone who braved the icy conditions and joined us at the church. It really felt very festive both inside the church and in the hall afterwards. It was lovely to meet many of the parents during this time and being able to introduce myself to you.

As we look towards next week, I know it will be a fun filled learning week with an emphasis on the Christmas story and what it means to us all.

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