P5 Week Beginning the 5th February 2108

Time for a well-earned break.

Over the week we have been very busy, our learning has taken us back in time as well as considering the impact of modern tools such as social media.

This week we have been considering what a wonderful soldier William Wallace was and using drama to understand how other may have thought of him. We investigated the strategies used to defeat the English at the battle of Stirling Bridge. We also used art to capture some of their understanding of this important battle. We also put themselves in the midst of the battle and wrote a descriptive opening as if they were a soldier on the day of the battle.

Through our mathematics we have been developing our understanding of different ways in which we can multiply large numbers together. We are now choosing which method we prefer when answering various word problems including at times ones with decimals in.

We enjoyed our last tag rugby session this week, showed our thanks to the guys afterwards.

Through our science work, we used ICT to show our understanding and have begun to put together very impressive power points all about food chains.

We are going to enjoy having a couple of days off school!

Many thanks for your continued support

Primary 5


Week Beginning 5th February 2018

We have been learning historical facts about Linlithgow this week and we went on a tour of the town with Mrs Chalmers. As we write this Primary 3 would like to say thank you to Beatrix as we are enjoying her birthday cakes! This week’s highlights include:

  • We have completed our work on time and we did an assessment of our work.
  • We did some big maths beat that
  • On Tuesday it was internet safety day and we created 5 rules to help us stay safe.
  • We have been learning about the holy trinity.
  • We used books and leaflets and the internet to find out more facts about Linlithgow
  • Our walls have all be painted. We now have a white classroom!

P5 Week beginning the 29th January 2018

A week in the life of P5

What a lovely end to a spectacular week. We finished our week by giving a short but informative presentation based upon our research area that we had chosen earlier in the week. Throughout the week we had been learning about how life was different during the medieval period. Having completed our research as part of our literacy work we created a fact sheet, bursting with fun filled facts.

During our numeracy work we have been learning how to multiply two and three digit numbers; we have had lots of fun trying out different methods.

We have some budding scientist in our class who were able to explain about how animals have adapted to live in various environments, we considered lots of different animals including animals that live on land, in the sea and even animals that fly.

We spent time this week learning about William Wallace as part of our Scottish War of Independence topic, we enjoyed learning about his rise to power and his gruesome end. We have been able to recall many of the facts we have learnt as we work through this interesting and important period of history.

We enjoy the rugby sessions that we are taking part in and are beginning to show great potential in this action packed activity.

We loved our afternoon of shield making and as a result we have almost completed this project. We have been evaluating what worked well and what we would do differently next time. When all our shields are completely finished we will share our designs with you all.

Thank you again for your support


P7 Week beginning the 29th January 2018

This week in P7 we have been busy.

  • In Literacy – we finished off our WW2 evacuee letters home to their parents.
  • In Maths – we found fractions of amounts, we simplified fractions and found equivalent fractions.
  • In Topic – we looked at human rights and how the ‘rights’ of the Jewish people were taken away during the Holocaust.
  • In Art – we created a Star of David badge that the Jews had to wear during WW2 and thought about how they would have felt. We also continued to work on our Anderson air raid shelters. We found an air raid shelter locally to help us create our own designs.
  • In RE – We looked at ‘Serving the greater good’ and how we could help SCIAF help people in Cambodia this year stop illegal fishing as part of the WEE box appeal.


Week beginning the 29th of January 2018

Primary 2 have had a very busy week.  We have been learning to put the events of the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ in a logical order.   We used a variety of materials to design our own farm.  In maths we have been learning new vocabulary (before, after, more than, less than) to sequence numbers within 100.  Some of us went to the St John’s Church to present ‘Katie Bairdie’ to celebrate Robert Burn’s day.

P3 Week Beginning 29th January

Big news in Primary 3, our classroom is going to be painted so we have had to take everything off our walls! This week’s highlights include:

  • We have been learning about the importance of trust in friendships and we read the story the fox and the crow.
  • In writing we wrote imaginative stories about the palace.
  • We have been designing a historical walking tour of Linlithgow using maps of the town to help us. We are looking forward to our walking tour on Monday.
  • Mrs Logan came in on Wednesday to help us with our maths work on time. We have been learning to tell the time (half past, quarter past and quarter to).


Week beginning 22nd of January

Primary 2 delivered an amazing performance of Katie Bairdie to the school community on Friday.  We have been learning about Scots language and created a Gruffalo ‘Wanted’ poster in Scots.  In topic we have been learning about the different ways farmers care for their animals.  We have enjoyed role play activities in our farm shop and created some amazing farm buildings with lego.


P7 – Week beginning the 22nd January

Welcome back to our class blog! This week has been hectic in P7.  We have been busy learning and having fun!

In Topic – we found out about rationing and used our Maths skills to work out how many pieces of clothing we could get with our coupons! We also did some wartime shopping and didn’t like the idea  of buying powdered eggs!

In Literacy – we wrote  a letter from an evacuee home to their parents. We enjoyed putting ourselves in an evacuees shoes and thinking about how they would have felt seeing cows and sheep for the first time.

In Maths – we continued to investigate Fractions

In Music – we learned the wartime song ‘We’ ll Meet Again…’ by Vera Lynn.

We also had a focus on Scottish music and poetry, we listened to lots of Scottish tunes and decided that we would play ‘The Bonny Banks of Loch Lomond’ on the Trumpet. We all loved the music from the movie ‘Sunshine on Leith’ and choose to sing the song ‘Make My Heart Fly’; our Highland Dancers choose the ‘4 step Highland Fling’ and ‘ The Sword Dance’ and we were busy all week practising for our Burns’ performance.

On Thursday – we went to a Burns’ Ceildih at St Kent’s and met lots of other P7s.

We had a great time performing at Our Burns’ Celebration on Friday.



Week Beginning 22nd January

This week we have been celebrating Scotland, with learning about Robert Burns and Poetry work. This week’s highlights include:

  • We made information pages about Robert Burns
  • In Maths we did some ‘Check Ups’ on our addition work
  • In French, we played a snakes and ladders game to practice the french months
  • We looked at our poems and translated them from Scots to English
  • We attended Mass presented by P4.
  • We have been practicing our Scottish Poems and we are performing them later today!
  • In Re we had to correctly arrange the prayer ‘Our Father’
  • We now have a display of the Mackintosh art we created last week.

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