P5 Week Beginning the 5th February 2108

Time for a well-earned break.

Over the week we have been very busy, our learning has taken us back in time as well as considering the impact of modern tools such as social media.

This week we have been considering what a wonderful soldier William Wallace was and using drama to understand how other may have thought of him. We investigated the strategies used to defeat the English at the battle of Stirling Bridge. We also used art to capture some of their understanding of this important battle. We also put themselves in the midst of the battle and wrote a descriptive opening as if they were a soldier on the day of the battle.

Through our mathematics we have been developing our understanding of different ways in which we can multiply large numbers together. We are now choosing which method we prefer when answering various word problems including at times ones with decimals in.

We enjoyed our last tag rugby session this week, showed our thanks to the guys afterwards.

Through our science work, we used ICT to show our understanding and have begun to put together very impressive power points all about food chains.

We are going to enjoy having a couple of days off school!

Many thanks for your continued support

Primary 5


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