P7 Week beginning the 19th February 2018

This week in Primary 7

  • In Writing we looked at applying all the elements of VCOP to write a story about Pearl Harbour
  • In Maths we compared and ordered fractions and we investigated volume
  • In Topic we investigated the Geography of Japan and  its position in the Ring of Fire
  • On Monday we had a visit from the SSPCA and found out about cruelty to animals and how we can help make it stop
  • In ICT we started to create our own SWAYs
  • In Art we created a crayon resist painting of Mount Fuji
  • We enjoyed our masterclasses and committees and created a wall display to show that all children under 18 have rights
  • We also celebrated Kate, Lucy, Katy and James success in the Rotary Club quiz coming third!


By Katie, Sarah and Kerr



Primary 4 – Week beginning the 19th February 2018

Week Beginning 19th February 2018

We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 4 working hard with Miss Russon. Our highlights from the last few weeks include:

  • Learning about money in numeracy, we have been ordering coins and notes, adding money and giving change
  • Our Big Writing lessons, using speech marks in our imaginative writing
  • Learning new skills at Futsal with Craig
  • Exploring The Rainforest, learning about the layers and animals that live in each.

By Ronan, Josie and Hayley ( Media Committee)


P2 _ Week beginning the 19th February 2017

Primary 2 have had another busy week.  We have been working on place value and subtraction in maths.

We summarised the end of our reading books and wrote a story about ‘The Enormous Turnip’.

We have been learning rule for adding ‘dge’ to make the j sound after a short vowel.  In French we were learning how to say ‘my name is..’ and we played the French game ‘La Marelle’ to practise our numbers to 10.

P6- Week Beginning the 19th of Febraury

In Primary 6 this week we;

  • Enjoyed a visit to West Lothian College. We got to participate in lots of classes which included media, childhood practise, social care, hairdressing and computing
  • We explored the importance of a problem in a story and how we build up to this. We then started to write own imaginative stories for the Night Zoo.
  • We explored the rules of division which will help us work out whether a number can be shared equally.
  • We created beautiful art pieces of Mary, Queen of Scots, using enlargement and tone.
  • We developed visualisation skills and inference skills, creating a picture of Mrs Pratchett, by reading descriptions.
  • We had a lesson from Primary 3, who taught us about our local town.


P3 – Week beginning the 19th February 2018

This week we have been working hard on our Local History Topic as we work towards our Archaeology Scotland ‘Heritage Hero Award’. This week’s highlights include:

  • We have been making information posters about places in Linlithgow which we will present to P6.
  • We had a visit from the SSPCA where we learnt about their work and how we can help to look after animals.
  • We have been learning about the value of Honesty
  • We have begun working on subtraction in Maths
  • In RE we have been learning about when Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist
  • We wrote some information leaflets about Linlithgow.


Week beginning 12th February

It’s been a short week but a hectic week with lots to talk about. It’s been Valentines day, Ash Wednesday, Pancake Day, Kai’s Birthday and Chinese New Year! This week’s highlights include:

  • We made Valentine’s day cards
  • We were given our ashes on Wednesday
  • In Maths we have learnt about symmetry, creating symmetrical shapes and patterns
  • We learnt about St Valentine during our reading comprehension work
  • We have learnt a little about Chinese New Year
  • In French we have been learning the days of the week. Il y a sept jours.

Gardening Gang – February 2018

Gardening gang have been working with some of the outdoor learning committee on a design for a Keep Scotland Beautiful competition to create a One Planet Picnic Pocket Garden. This is a miniature garden the size of a pallet which includes edible food with wildlife gardening and recycling/sustainability themes. After some initial sketches from the children, Arlo from P3’s idea for a farm theme was chosen. Several P3s and P6s helped with more ideas for that theme and this Friday, Jamie from Torwood Garden Centre in Falkirk very kindly came into school to look at our designs and help us with ideas for the planting. Our design, beautifully put together by Mrs Pitman-Ross, is ready to be submitted next week – see picture – if successful, we’ll be asked to built it and display it at Gardening Scotland but even if we don’t get chosen, we hope to build it at school. We also had a bird feeder installed, bought with some of the money raised at the Welly Walk last year, so thanks to all who took part in that. We’re looking to make some recycled bird feeders to hang on it with the children over the next few weeks – thanks also to those who donated old plastic bottles.

P7 – Week beginning the 5th February 2018

Welcome back to our blog!

This week in Primary 7 we found out all about Staying Safe online. We had an assembly on ‘Safe Internet Use’. We also joined a Collaborative Skpe event where other schools talked about  how to stay safe online.  Then we created our own safe internet pledges.  We have worked hard to complete lots of work this week.

  • In Literacy we have carried out lots of research on the life of Anne Frank. We then choose whether we wanted to write a diary recount or a biographical recount on her life.
  • In Maths we found out about improper and mixed fractions, we also found out how to add fractions.
  • We enjoyed playing Sumdog on the app on our ipads to reinforce our Maths Strategies
  • In Health and Well-Being we found out about the Skeletal System by completing challenges outside.
  • In topic we investigated propaganda and how it was used to influence people during the war. We created propaganda posters.


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