Week beginning 26th of November

Primary 1 have had a great week.  We walked to the church on Monday with Primary 2 to practise the nativity and we did a whole school rehearsal on Wednesday.  We continued our writing of Stick Man by thinking about all the different ways Stick Man was used.  We made playdough ladybirds to help with our addition.  The nurse came in to check our height and eyesight and talk to us about healthy eating.  We continued to learn our tricky words by making them from playdough and taking photos. During topic time one of our challenges was to learn how to sew and we did an amazing job!  We learned all about St Andrew and did some highland dancing! We will be celebrating St Andrew’s day on Friday with the Primary 5 mass at school.


Week beginning 19th of November

It’s been a busy week in Primary 1.  We have listened to the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson and then went outside to find sticks to create our own Stick Man.  We made a nest for the swan and found our Stick Man tree in the playground.  We made a 3d story map with story stones and wrote a sentence about who Stick Man met on his adventures.  We have been continuing to learn how to add two numbers within 10.  We are working really hard on our nativity learning our lines and the songs.


Week beginning the 19th November 2018

Hi everyone, look at what we have learned this week! In Literacy we have learnt how to write a persuasive speech about how unfair the Treaty of Versailles was from Hitler’s point of view. In Maths we were dividing at three digit number by a two digit number. In reading we have looked at Cause and Effect In Topic we found out about the Blitz. In art we drew our own spitfires. We had a really interesting STEM talk from Karen Fitzsimons and we found out what it is like to be a Hydrogeologist. This week for our Smile Mile we had to walk like a chicken.

by Rachel and Anna.

Week Beginning 19.11.18

This week in Primary Two we have been busy learning all about:

  • Maths: We have been learning all about the properties of 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces, corners and edges.
  • Literacy: We have been learning to spell words with the magic ‘e’ rule (the long u-e sound.) In writing, we were thinking all about how the Owl Babies felt when their mother had left them to go hunting. We used our senses to help us think of some ideas. We have still been working on adjectives and we hunted in our reading books to spot some that the author had used. It helped us to think about our own writing.
  • This week, we also launched the First Minister’s Reading Challenge where we have to try and read as many books as we can over the year- we have all been given a reading passport to record our reading journey.
  • Topic: This week we have been investigating all about owls. We have learned how to label  a diagram of an owl with its body parts.
  • RE: We have began to think about the Nativity story. This week we have been thinking about how Mary and Joseph were feeling when they found out Mary would be having the baby Jesus.
  • We have all had a go at making some hot chocolate reindeer cones to sell at the Christmas Fayre-we look forward to lots of our mums and dads buying them for us!
  • Our Nativity practice is continuing to go well, please can you send in costumes for your child if one is required. Thanks to all parents who have already done so.


P7 Week begnning the 12th November 2018

Hi everyone welcome back to our blog. This week in primary 7 in Literacy we used the Fox tool to take notes quickly and share our notes with our group, then we used these notes to continue to write our balanced argument on ‘The Treaty of Versailles’ . In Maths we investigated long division problems. We found about about ‘Conscription’ during WW2 and we completed our poppy pictures for our ‘Lest we Forget’ wall display. Then we  looked at  facial proportions and sketched Hitler’s portrait. On Tuesday we went to see ‘We Will Rock You’ at St. Kent’s, we thought it was amazing and enjoyed seeing our former pupil Ciara on stage. Mrs McLean saw Niamh on Thursday night. Both girls were fantastic. We are very proud of them! Finally we ended our week with our Sportshall Athletic challenge.

Week Beginning 12.11.18

Primary Two have been very busy this week. We have been learning lots!

Maths: We have been learning about 3d shapes. We have been testing 3d shapes to see if they could roll, stack or slide. We had lots of fun doing this!

Literacy: We have been listening to the story of Owl Babies and sequencing it in the correct order to retell the story. We have been learning about the long O sound this week (e.g. bone, note). We have been using adjectives to describe the dark and why we like it.

Topic: We have been learning about reflective clothing and how it can keep up safe in the dark. We have also been sorting activities that we do during the day and at night.

We have also been practicing for the Nativity which is going very well! Please could costumes begin to be brought in next week in a bag labelled with full names and classes. Thanks for your support.


Week beginning 12th of November

Primary 1 have had a busy week.  We have been practising our nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’ and the songs are sounding great! We have been learning our new sounds ‘z’ and ‘w’ and using magnetic letters to build three letter words.  We have been learning about addition using numicon and continuing to work on our number formation.  We have been making lego toys and we have set up a toy shop in our classroom.



Week beginning 5th of November

Primary 1 have been celebrating Bonfire night and Diwali this week.  We twisted pipe cleaners into star shapes to print fireworks.  We explored Diwali by going into role as Rama and Sita.  We made Rangoli patterns with chalk and designed Mehndi patterns on hand templates.  For our Toys topic we created models of toys using cardboard boxes, we made our own playdough and drew detailed drawings of toys.

Coats of arms

We have had a great week this week although there has been a touch of sadness; we are drawing our amazing ‘Scottish War of Independence’ topic to a close and are beginning to show how much we have learnt in various different ways. Mr Reed set us a challenge to attempt to answer some tricky questions however we were able to answer all of them using our knowledge as well as referring to the timeline that we have been using. We also completed our three part story of a soldier heading off to fight in the Batlle of Bannockburn. Our stories allowed us the chance to use key vocabulary which engages and excites the reader.

Throughout the week we have been practising our use of multiplication and have been solving word problems using the different techniques we have been shown.

As part of our art work we created coats of arms which told a little about ourselves. These we have been told will create another display outside our classroom.

Not quite what we meant.


Week Beginning the 5th November 2018

Hello everyone. This week in P7 we have immersed ourselves in our new topic ‘War and Conflict’. We found out more about WW1 and WW2. In Literacy we wrote a balanced argument on ‘The Treaty of Versailles, in ‘Topic’ we found out what actions Hitler took to start WW2. In Maths we revised Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In Reading we found out about Armistice and sold poppies for  Poppy Scotland.  Joseph brought in Remembrance and Victory medals from WW1. Well done to Eilish for her Bronze medal at the Wallace Fencing Academy. Its been a busy week in P7

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