What an amazing end to what has been a wonderful term together.
The children have been incredible, they have managed to keep going right to the end despite all the changes to the timetable and normal routines of the week.
We shared a great Christmas party with P7 and enjoyed lots of crazy games.
As we end the term, I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous new year.
Primary 1 have had a very exciting week. We presented our nativity to the school community at the Church on Tuesday evening and in the school on Wednesday afternoon. We put on amazing performances, Mrs Taylor was very proud of us. We went to the pantomine ‘Cinderella’ at Howden Park on Monday. We had our Christmas lunch on Thursday, it was delicious! On Friday we sold our keyrings at our Christmas Fayre.
It’s CHRISTMAS! This week we went to the Panto! “Oh Yes We Did!” We had great fun at Cinderella. We took part in “The Nativity” at the church on Tuesday night and then again at school on Wednesday afternoon. It was brilliant! We are very proud of our Primary 1 stars and our amazing Primary 2 Narrators. On Thursday we had Christmas lunch and we sang Christmas songs. Finally on Friday we had our Christmas Fayre, we developed our Enterprise skills by painting Christmas baubles to sell at a profit! We also ran the Tombola, we made £165 altogether on the P5 stall, thanks to all your kind donations.
This week in Primary 5 we have really started getting ready for Christmas:
We put up our Christmas tree
We created our own nativity scenes.
We practised our Christmas concert ‘The Nativity’
We created ‘Christmas around the World’ flags, paper chains and baubles and we looked at Christmas customs around the world for our Christmas tree at St. Michael’s Kirk.
We took part in ‘Unwrapping Christmas’ stories and activities at the Kirk.
This week in Primary 5 – we completed our arguments about why we thought John Balliol should not be king! We found out that a one -sided argument is called an Exposition. We looked at pictures of English soldiers in the time of the Scottish Wars of Independence and created our own soldier. We completed mixed maths challenges on our Daily Rigour calendar and started to investigate division problems. We found out about St. Andrew and prepared for our St. Andrew’s mass which was fantastic. We filmed out own Weather Forecast videos in French. Eric showed us his super “Best Effort in Rugby” trophy. Finally practised for our nativity concert!
Primary 1 have had a busy week. We walked to the church to rehearse our nativity and we also presented to the school. We were really confident and sang beautifully! We listened to the story ‘Stick Man’ and sequenced the story in the correct order and then wrote a super sentence. We used a variety of materials to create our very own Stick Man. We discussed how Stick Man felt at each part of the story. We are continuing to develop our partitioning skills in maths and are able to describe how to partition numbers within 10.
We have been showing off our writing skills in Primary 1 this week. We have a really good understanding of sentence structure and are able to apply these skills when writing our own sentence. We listened to the story ‘Kipper’s Toybox’ and we sequenced the events in the story by creating a storymap. We taught our buddies in Primary 7 the nativity songs and actions. We have listened to lots of different stories this week to celebrate ‘Book Week Scotland’.
This week in Primary 1 we have been learning all about partitioning. We have been outside collecting natural materials to partition and we have used the numicon playdough mats to show our understanding of whole/part-part models. We are developing our skills in ‘working together’, ‘problem solving’ and ‘communication’ and we have been discussing the jobs we could have in the future. Our nativity practice is coming on really well and we are enjoying singing the songs and going into role.
Write an Exposition – We wrote about why we thought John Balliol should not have been king.
Multiply using the grid method
Measure in km and metres using a metre stick and a trundle wheel – we thought about how we would need measuring skills if we were builders, architect and engineers.
We found out how the SWI started, we studied pictures of Scottish soldiers shields and thought about how we would make our own shields. We are looking forward to making them next week!
Found out how to write a Recount and we used our ICT skills to write a Newspaper report about the death of Margaret Maid of Norway.
Worked on Long Multiplication and Doubling and Halving strategies, we thought about where we could use Multiplication strategies – we thought we would definitely need to use Multiplication if we wanted to be a Scientist or and Engineer!
Studied pictures of Kings and Queens and created our own pictures.
Thought about the question “Who Would Be King?” and why Edward 1 choose John Balliol.
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