Category Archives: Prmary 7

Week Beginning the 4th March 2019

Welcome back to our blog.. this week in P7 in Literacy we completed our Critical essay on the poem Timothy Winters using P.E.E chains. We also completed our block on ‘Money Maths’ we know the importance of budgeting, how to use Debit and Credit cards, and we can also say what VAT, APR, and discounts are. In Topic we found out about transport in Japan. We were very impressed by the speed of the bullet or Shinkansen trains and we drew our own. We also found out about one of the longest bridges in the world, the  Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. We enjoyed eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had a lovely Lent service on Wednesday and thought about our own Lenten journey. On Thursday we designed tokens for ‘World Book Day’.  We also had out first read through of Mary Poppins. Finally we created fireworks pictures with Mrs Ross.


Week Beginning the 25th March

This week in P7 in Maths we worked on calculating Profit and Loss and foreign exchange. We found out how to convert currencies. In writing we investigated figurative language like metaphors, similes and alliteration. We found out how the poet Charles Causley  used  figurative language effectively in the poem Timothy Winters. We also learned  about P.E.E. chains  and  how to use them to  write a critical essay on the poem. In our topic work we compared food in Japan with food in Scotland. We saw how Japanese women wear a kimono for the Japanese tea ceremony and created our own kimonos.  In Science we found out about chemical reactions and carried out a chemical reaction when we made our volcanoes explode. On Friday we also found out which parts we got in our school show Mary Poppins. We are very excited and can’t wait to start rehearsals.


Week Beginning the 20th February 2018

Welcome back to our blog.. this week in Primary 7 we have been busy. In Literacy we completed our non-chronological reports on volcanoes and earthquakes. We did lots of research and added lots of pictures and tables to our reports.  We loved Gerards so put it up on our wall display! In Technology we  created our own 3D  volcanoes using modelling clay. We are looking forward to making our volcanoes erupt in Science next week. In Maths we continued to look at managing our money. We found out the importance of budgeting. In HWB we completed our topic on Taking Risks by becoming Sugar Detectives. We also found out more about the risks of smoking and poor diet on our bodies. We tried out some Tennis taster sessions with Gordon from ‘Linlithgow Tennis Club’.

Week beginning

This week in P7 in Maths was found out how to manage our money by using Debit and Credit cards..we found out what APR meant. We created  a Kahoot money maths quiz. We played a simpler interest game on the computer. We also created a video to explain the difference between Debit and Credit cards to P5. In Writing we continued with our Volcano reports creating tables and importing pictures. Well done to Rachel  for coming third in the Scottish Youth Championships in Fencing!


Week Beginning 4th February 2018

This week in P7 we started our Art project with Mrs Ross on Monday. We used watercolour pencils to start to create our Firework  pictures. Lots of pupils in the class went skiing at Hillend. Some of us got as far as the top of the hill and were really pleased. We all felt that we had improved our skiing skills. Back in school we continued to work on decimals in Maths and to investigate  Tsunamis and volcanoes in our topic. We also created volcano pictures using mixed media. We went over to LPS and found out more about staying safe online.


Week Beginning the 28th January 2019


This week on P7 we have had great fun going to the canal basin to complete STEM challenges. We found out about the engineering works which are taking place at the canal to strengthen the embankment. We investigated minibeasts and other creatures that can be found living in the canal. We looked at minibeasts under the microscope. We completed food chain challenges and created our own bridges. We also looked at how the canal was originally built and the different tools used on the canal and its bridges over the years.

In class we also finally finished our Anderson shelters… we are definitely engineers of the future!

Week Beginning the 14th January 2019

This week in Primary 7 :

In Topic we have found out about Pearl Harbour  we have written a descriptive story using all the elements of VCOP on the attack on Pearl Harbour from a Japanese pilot’s perspective. In Maths we have revised simplifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions and finding fractions of amounts. In Art we continued to used mixed media to complete our Anderson shelters. In RE we found out about and created a picture of St. Oscar Romero.

Week Beginning the 7th January 2019

Happy New Year! Welcome back to a new term in Primary 7.


This week we have made our ‘ New Year’s Resolutions’. Let’s hope we can stick to them!

In Topic we found out about the Holocaust. In Literacy we wrote a diary recount or biographical recount based on the life of Anne Frank. In ICT we use Word Publisher to produce a government leaflet on Evacuation. In Maths we simplified equations. In Art we found out about ‘Propaganda’ and created our own posters…we also created our own Jewish badge, these badges were worn to identify the Jews during the Holocaust. We thought a lot about ‘Rights’ and the ‘Rights’ that were taken away from the Jews during WW2.

We are starting to get very excited about High School!

Week Beginning the 17th December

Merry Christmas everyone! We have had a fun week at school with lots of Christmas activities. We had our P6/7 Christmas party. We also became authors and illustrators creating our own Christmas books for our Primary 1 buddies. We used our artistic skills to create lots of Christmas Art. We gave presents to our Advent partners. Have a great holiday see you in the New Year!

Week beginning the 10th December 2018

Hi everyone , welcome back to our blog. We have been very busy over the last few weeks practising for our Nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’, We had a fantastic time performing in school and at the church this week . We loved seeing our buddies perform on stage. We also enjoyed singing ‘Hallelujah’! We are really starting to get in the mood for Christmas! We wore our slippers to school to raise money for Shelter Scotland. We enjoyed creating our ‘Catching Snowflakes’ pictures.We also completed some our our WW2 art. It has been a great week.