Category Archives: Prmary 7




Hello P7  – Happy Wednesday! I hope you and your families are all doing fine today! Just a wee thought…… As I left Linlithgow after school on Monday,  I passed  a house that had pictures of brightly coloured Rainbows in the window that children had drawn. It made me smile! It also made me think about the saying ‘After the rain there is always a rainbow!’ I don’t know if you have heard of that but it means that sometimes when things happen that make you feel a bit fed up or sad, something positive can come out of it- a bit like seeing a rainbow after the rain! I now notice that the little girl who lives in the house opposite me is putting up pictures she is doing at home in her window for people to see! It is making me smile to see her pictures and when people are out for a bit of fresh air, they stop briefly to look at her art work –  I see them smiling too! I wondered if this was something you would like to do ? Please ask your parents if this is ok before you do it though – you always need to ask permission! Have a great rest of your day!

Mrs McEwan

Last Night of Fun at Camp!

Today was our last day of camp and the sun shone again all day. We abseiled, tackled the low rope challenge and worked hard to stack our crates as high as possible. Some of us managed to stack 12 crates on top of each other with teamwork. Flavio managed to climb the tree in 38 seconds and we are very proud of the people who tackled their fear of heights by abseiling down from a huge height.  We completed our John Muir Explorer Challenge, then had a fantastic time at our disco tonight. Camp has been the best fun ever.


Fun, Sun and Midgies

We had a fantastic day on camp… the sun shone and we had a lot of fun in all of our activities – canoeing, challenge course, zip- wiring and abseiling. We created collages using materials from nature as part of our ‘John Muir Explorer Challenge’. We had a lot of help from our friend the Midgie tonight!


Week Beginning the 13th May 2019

Welcome back to our P7 blog. Things have been very hectic in P7. We have been very busy completing lots of work for Transition and practising for our school show Mary Poppins.  In Maths we have investigated Number Sequences. In Literacy we have written a reflective essay called ‘How School Shaped Me’. In Topic we have started our final term with ‘A Night at the Oscars.’ We found out about the movie industry, we set up our own production teams , we have become directors, script writers,  artists,  musicians, cameramen/women, editors and  actors. We are looking forward to finding out about creating and editing our own movies.

Week Beginning the 18th March

Welcome to our blog. This week in P7 we have continued to calculate Time/Distance/Speed problems in Maths. In Topic/Science we looked at the structure of an atom and found out about how nuclear power is generated. We discussed the advantages  and disadvantages of nuclear power. In Literacy we found out about Sadako Sasaki and the damage caused by the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and we wrote a graphic story. In RE we discussed Jesus and his disciples and thought about what would make a good disciple. We also continued with out Lent theme and used chalk to create Lent pictures. We enjoyed our visit from Archbishop Leo Cushley. We were also very excited to receive our Leavers Hoodies!

Week beginning the 11th March 2019

Hi everyone, this week in P7, in Maths we have started to work on time/distance/speed problems. In Writing we investigated different story starters and included one of these starters in our story about a ‘Terrible Tsunami’. In topic we found out all about industry in Japan. We especially enjoyed finding out about humanoid robots. In RE we continued thinking about Lent. We also thought about the life of St. Joseph and had a lovely St. Joseph’s day mass. In Art we studied the importance of the cherry blossom in Japanese culture. We sketched  our own cherry blossom pictures using blending and shading.