Category Archives: Primary 1

Week beginning 26th of August 2019

Primary 1 have had a fantastic week.  We have continued our adventures with ‘Everywhere Bear’.  He was lost in the playground so we had to follow the clues and we eventually found him in the Pirate ship!  In literacy we have been learning to segment and blend the sounds ‘a’, ‘t’ and ‘p’ to read words with our frog puppet ‘Fred Fingers’.  In maths we have been developing our number sense within 10 by matching numbers to numicon and building towers to match dice patterns.

Week beginning 10th of June 2019

Primary 1 have had a very busy and exciting week.  We went to the Rugby club on Monday to see the author Alan Windram read his books ‘One Button Benny’ and ‘A Puppy’s Tale’.  We also had our amazing performance of ‘Mary Poppins’.  On Friday we had moving up morning where we got to visit our new Primary 2 teacher Mrs Grant.


Week beginning 20th of May

Primary 1 have had another great week!  We have been learning to read and spell words containing consonant blends ‘ng’ and ‘nk’.  Fischy music came in to teach us songs and we put on a concert in the afternoon.  We had our very first ‘Box Play’ where we had great fun using our imagination to come up with ideas of how we could play with a cardboard box!

Week beginning 13th of May

Primary 1 have enjoyed all the Health week activities planned this week.  Thank you very much to Mrs Telfer and the Health and Wellbeing committee for all their hard word organising all the events.  We did a cardio class in the hall with Miss Henderson and played football in the playground.  We had a visit from Zola’s mum who talked to us about her job as a doctor and showed us how to use a Stethoscope to hear our heart beat.  We had a talk from the SPCA and had the opportunity to hold a robot rabbit and role play as a vet.  The sun was out for sport’s day on Tuesday afternoon which was great fun.  We got to make fruit kebabs and ended the week with a whole school smile mile!


Week beginning 30th of April 2019

Primary 1 are excited to be back to school after the Easter holidays and are looking forward to a fun filled term ahead.  We have started our new topic with Primary 2 all about ‘Under the Sea’.  We have been investigating under the sea creatures and learning about life cycles.  Our topic in maths is money and we have been identifying and sequencing coins up to £2.  We planted Narcissus seeds in our playground which we will look after this term.


Week beginning 25th of March 2019

What an exciting week in Primary 1!  We took delivery of 10 eggs and observed them hatching over the week. We now have 8 gorgeous fluffy chicks! We filled in our Living eggs diary and created potato print chicks.  We wrote a story about a walk in the Springtime using lots of description.  We went outside for P.E on Thursday, we had lots of fun!



Week beginning 18th of March 2019

This week Primary 1 have been learning how to tell the time in o’clock on analogue and digital clocks.  We have been revising all our long vowel sounds and Block 2 common words.  We went into role as a knight and a dragon in our story ‘The Dragon Hunt’.  Kyla brought in a daffodil and Zola brought in a Snowdrop to school so we painted pictures of the flowers and learned about the changes in Springtime.  We also got to observe tadpoles before they were released into our pond in the playground.  St Joseph’s had a very special visitor today.  Archbishop Leo Cushley came round all the classes to answer questions and say a prayer, we were very lucky to meet him.