All posts by Mrs McLean

Saftey First


I hope you are enjoying keeping fit and active during lockdown.  Please keep safety in mind when you are completing any of the activities.  Always check with an adult before you begin, that the space and any objects you are using are safe for you and that they are happy for you to be participating.
I would love to see what you have been up to,  so if you have any photos or sets of results that you would like to share,  please send them to your class teacher.

Morning Everyone!

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are now all well rested and refreshed.  The weather over the weekend was beautiful – I hope you had the chance to enjoy it at home.

The staff and I will send you information on things that come online simply as a means for you have the widest selection of choice for activities whilst at home. We don’t want to bombard you with information but neither do we want you to be struggling for ideas – so it’s about finding the balance and doing what’s right for you and your family.
Please don’t put yourself under pressure to get everything we suggest done. Prioritise yours and your child’s health and well being and when completing learning, focus on key areas such as Literacy and Numeracy and take it from there.  I would be advising lots of outdoor breaks too.
On that note, a couple of items came I last week that I thought you might find useful to engage your children at home.
The first of these is that this week is National Gardening Week. I have directed the pupils to the RHS website for ideas just as suggestions for things to do which will get them out in the fresh air – if that’s possible. Here is the link:

There are other websites that have been refreshed and launched that also may prove useful. The first of these is the BBC bitesize page which you may already be aware of as it has been widely promoted over the weekend:


The second of these is a web page which West Lothian Council have been developing over the past few weeks. A team of practitioners have been working hard to put together a new page entitled ‘Inspired’ for our primary age children. This is a page which will set weekly challenges online so it’s another ‘go to’ page for you to have a look at. The is a glow blog page and it can be followed on Twitter. If you do complete any challenges and post anything on the Twitter feed remember to tag our school too! Here is the link:


I would highly recommend having a look at all of these pages. Your child’s teacher may well be promoting them too!
The class teachers will also be working on your child’s annual school report in the coming weeks. More information on this will be communicated to you as and when I have it.
Thank you once again for all your help and support. It has been lovely to receive positive messages through the class Teams and school email account to let us know how you are getting on. Also, if you have a Twitter account and are happy to post snippets of what you are doing, you can tag the school twitter feed and that way we can see what many of you are up to.
We are ‘@St. Joseph’s RC Primary School’. The red and white school badge is our logo!
Keep letting us know how you are getting on and what you are all up to.
With kind regards to you and your families,

Mrs McEwan

Good afternoon P1-3 ! I hope you all had a really good Easter Break. It was a bit frustrating not to be able to go to places we want or visit friends and family but I am sure you found lots of different ways to keep in touch.  I have learned how to do ‘Zoom’ and had lots of fun taking part in a big family quiz night with people from all over the country. It made me wonder why we didn’t do things like that before !!

I am cycling nearly very other day and definitely getting fitter. I have more time to cook healthier meals for my family and my garden is looking so much better than it did before. I hope you are all managing to keep busy and are not too bored! It’s tricky to think of new things to do.  I will keep looking for fun and interesting ways to help you with your learning and pass these on to your teacher.

It is great that the sun is shining so for those of you who can access a garden, make sure you are getting plenty of fresh air!

Keep working hard and take care of yourselves !!

I found the picture below and thought of you all!!

Hello everyone!

I hope you have had a good start to your week and are enjoying the activities your teachers have posted for you today.

Our school birthdays over the last two weeks have been:

Grace P1, Lea P3, Mark P5, Craig P6, Toby P7 and Roberto P6 whose birthday is today! Congratulations to all of you – I hope you had a lovely day with your families!

Glad to see so many of you online, completing all the tasks and chatting to your friends.  I’ve been hearing that some of you have been doing ‘Zoom’ chats out with school time to keep in touch with each other socially which is also great. We need keep in touch with each other! While I am sure you are all doing your best to be positive just now, there might be times when you feel a wee fed up. It’s really important to keep yourself healthy – getting out in the fresh air really, really helps with this. I have been going out for a cycle everyday, making sure that I keep my distance from others and spending a bit more time in the garden.

There are lots of fun ideas to find online that you can be doing outside and at this time of year you can be planting or growing. I am going to plant some carrot seeds today. This is a very new activity for me and I am hoping to learn a lot about how to grow vegetables over the coming weeks!

There are lots of ideas for things that you can do outdoors. Here are a couple of websites to look at for ideas:

Try and get out in the garden if you can- especially when sun is shining!

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs McEwan



Around three weeks after spawning the tadpoles hatch out from their eggs.

  • Here is a picture of our frog  spawn, we are very excited to see that they have turned into tadpoles!
  • Each tadpole is about 12mm long and brown in colour.
  • They will feed on the old jelly mass and any algae which is growing on it.
  • We hope they will turn into frogs soon.





Hello P7  – Happy Wednesday! I hope you and your families are all doing fine today! Just a wee thought…… As I left Linlithgow after school on Monday,  I passed  a house that had pictures of brightly coloured Rainbows in the window that children had drawn. It made me smile! It also made me think about the saying ‘After the rain there is always a rainbow!’ I don’t know if you have heard of that but it means that sometimes when things happen that make you feel a bit fed up or sad, something positive can come out of it- a bit like seeing a rainbow after the rain! I now notice that the little girl who lives in the house opposite me is putting up pictures she is doing at home in her window for people to see! It is making me smile to see her pictures and when people are out for a bit of fresh air, they stop briefly to look at her art work –  I see them smiling too! I wondered if this was something you would like to do ? Please ask your parents if this is ok before you do it though – you always need to ask permission! Have a great rest of your day!

Mrs McEwan