A very refreshing end to another fantastic week.

This week we have been very busy in class, we have enjoyed a fun filled workout to raise money for LEPRA. We took part in lots of races and exercises. The girls did on this occasion beat the boys.



This week we had the chance to show off our writing skills. Mr Reed introduced us to punctuation Kung Fu!!!! Which we all enjoyed taking part in. We then spent time planning our story about Stirling Bridge. We all pretended that we were soldiers preparing for battle.

We designed a Christmas card which we have brought home to share with you to see if you would like to have our designs made into Christmas gifts and cards.

On Friday, the gardening gang borrowed an apple press and used it to make apple juice from the apples collected from the school. It was absolutely amazing; we all enjoyed our freshly made organic apple juice.

We also used some of the older apples that were not good enough to eat to maske  bird feeders. We all had great fun creating our very individual feeders.

Primary 5

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