Super Scrumdiddlyumptious Surprises

It is safe to say that Mr Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory has certainly been opened to our class. We went to Gooey Events in Livingston as we had won a visit thanks to Rachel’s mum who had entered our class into a competition that they were running. We all clambered into the coach excited about what delicious delights lay ahead.

When we arrived at the ‘factory’ we were met by Alison who showed us to where we could leave our coats before heading into the ‘inventing’ room. We spent some time learning about the different types of chocolate which of course we all had to try to taste for ourselves the differences and also about Fairtrade a topic which we really impressed Alison with our knowledge about.

After a short break it was back to the ‘inventing’ room where we were given a chocolate ‘pizza’ base and some sweets that we used to create a face. This was a very sticky, fun and tasty session as most of us tested some of the sweets we were using.

We then had to use our entrepreneurial skills to create a sweet and an advert for it, we worked in small groups to demonstrate our group work before presenting our idea to the rest of the class. This was great fun and the sweets all sounded amazing.

We finished our visit with a quiz about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a book we all know very well having just read it. We all scored so well Alison then continued the quiz about sweets that are available in shops today.

The whole day was great fun and we are looking forward to eating our chocolate pizzas tonight when we get home.

Our thanks again to Rachel’s mum for winning us the trip.


Primary 5

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