Primary 6-5

Welcome back to Primary 6-5

We have had a very busy first term! Our topic this term was the book Wonder! We enjoyed finding out about Auggie and how we should never judege a book by it’s cover or a person by it’s face. In Literacy we wrote reports on ‘Treacher Collins Syndrome’ and on ‘Bullying’.  We also used descriptive language to write character descriptions on Auggie and on his sister Via. In HWB we  found out about Peer Pressure and Stereotypes. We also created our own book covers for the novel Wonder. In Maths we studied 2 and 3D shapes. In Numeracy we investigated place value, addition and subtraction and negative numbers! We loved our STEM challenges and our Digital masterclasses, where we found out how to use SWAY, Scratch and how to programme Spheros. We also loved using Word Publisher in our writing lessons. It has been a busy term.


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