A feast fit for a King

This week has been full of new and exciting learning in Primary 6. The weather forced our FUTSAL session to be held in the hall but as it was pretty cold we did not mind.

Tuesday was Pancake day and Mr Reed spent time with every child and with a little help made a delicious pancake. We all expected some to end up on the ceiling or floor but Mr Reed somehow managed to save them all. A good job really as we all wanted to eat our own ones.

We all took part in our Ash Wednesday assembly and used this time to reflect on this very important time.

We also had our first Rugby taster session, which was really good fun and it stayed dry for us so we were outside. Getting muddy whilst enjoying Rugby was great fun.

Thursday we spent the afternoon classifying animals using carefully chosen questions. It was like a game of ‘Guess Who’ It was good fun with lots of learning through this type of activity.

Primary 6

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