Happy Holidays

As we arrive at the beginning of the holidays, primary 6 have been reflecting on what has been a really fun and informative start to 2020.

Much of our learning has been focussed around the devastating fires that have been burning in australia for many months now. Through this we have created pieces of artwork, information pages, written stories, learnt locations of cities and of debated environmental issues.

We have also been enjoying learning about electricity and how to make working circuits using various components. We designed and made our own working switches, which we will use when we begin making our own working lighthouses after the holiday.

We have reached the end of a fantastic book by Kathleen Fidler ‘ The Desperate Journey’ which told the story of a family evicted from their home during the highland clearances.

Despite the weather primary 6 have continued to have an outdoor learning opportunity each week. We have been doing maths and spelling games as well as creating games which we hope to teach to primary 2 after the holiday.

Have a great holiday

Primary 6


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