Let’s go fly a kite!!

This week has been a busy and exciting, we have been learning about how Robinson Crusoe may have spent his time on the island. We went outdoors each afternoon and only using scrap materials and things we could find around the playground made kites, pictures and tall structures.

For each activity we had to work in teams; we had to cooperate with all members of our teams as Mr Reed was looking at how well we worked in groups. All groups made and flew their kites, some managed to fly really high others not quite so high. The art activity allowed us to make pictures or structures that required lots of imagination. The competition to make the tallest structure was great fun but difficult as they kept falling down.

On Friday we all went outside to fly our kites together this was great fun although the wind was so strong it kept snapping the strings. All the kites flew really well today. Mr Reed was impressed at our finished kites and how well we had made bits of rubbish fly!!

Our kites were definitely better than any that Robinson made.

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