Data Driven Days.

As we approach the end of another busy week, we are reminded about all of the fun learning that has taken place through the week.

Our week has had a data focus and we have been finding out different ways to collect and display data. We even created human block graphs to show our favourite foods (Mr Reed is obsessed with food). We carried out surveys in class as well as a whole school survey about St. Joseph’s favourite pets. We then used this data to create a block graph. We had to think about the scale we would use as there were lots of responses to take into consideration.

We enjoyed our Futsal session and through the games we played, it was clear that we have learnt lots of new skills.

The alevins have changed lots over the week and are developing markings and fins. They have begun to lose their yolk sack so will soon be needing to be released into the river for the next stage of their life.

We are looking forward to our educational visit to the Loch on Monday and are excited to see Rosie again and learn from her more about life around the loch.

Mr Reed keeps dropping hints about another school trip that will be happening very soon, although he still has not told us exactly where we are going. All we know is that it is somewhere Charlie would like to go!!!

Primary 5



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