A great end to an amazing few weeks.

As we arrived at school on Monday, we were eager to see how many of our two hundred eggs had hatched into alevins. We couldn’t believe that almost all of them had hatched over the weekend. They are each about 2 cm long and can swim at speed already. We had the opportunity to observe them closely using magnifying glasses and a plastic science dish. Observing them we were able to see their spines and even see their hearts beating. This was amazing; the heart was beating so fast. We used this time to attempt to draw the alevin at this stage of its development, a task we will be doing each week to see the changes week by week.

We have been busy writers this week and have been learning how to include the feelings felt by our characters at specific times in a story. We now have all the skills for our story writing which will be to write our own version of Robinson Crusoe.

During our maths work this week we have been trying to work out the missing digit by using our knowledge of addition and subtraction, this has been tricky but we are proving we are all great mathematicians.

It has been a great few weeks but we are ready for a long weekend, we think that Mr Reed is as well.

Primary 5

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