A new beginning. 2019

It is lovely to have the children back after their Christmas break; I have enjoyed listening to their tales about time spent with their families and all the amazing memories that have been made.

We have launched straight into our new topic about sustainability and are studying Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and how he survived through reusing and recycling what was available to him. We have enjoyed the story so far and we have had many great discussions about what items would help us survive on the island.

Our topic introduced us to the ‘Forth Rivers Trust’ and we had some visitors who taught us about the project that they run to raise the number of brown trout in our local rivers. To help the project we are going to have about 200 trout eggs in our classroom. These we hope will hatch and will grow to a size that can be released back into a local river. We have to take responsibility for the fish, ensuring the water is kept at the correct temperature, remove any dead eggs and complete tasks about the life cycle of a trout. The fish are due soon and we will keep everyone up to date with their progress.

We have begun FUTSAL on a Monday afternoon with Scot, he is great fun and is teaching us lots of new skills which will improve all aspects of our ball control not just how to score goals.


On Tuesday, we went to the Academy to take part in a handball tournament, it was great fun and we did very well.

We are currently learning a poem ready to perform on Friday as part of our Robert Burns celebrations.



Primary 5

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