It has been a wonderful week.

Even though the weather is not the best it has not dampened our spirits in Primary 5.

Our week has ended on a high with our Primary 5’s mass. We had been preparing it over the week and enjoyed our moment to lead the school in our St. Andrew’s day mass. We all had roles and responsibilities that we were proud to take on.

This week has once again been full of fun and exciting learning.

During our maths work we have been learning about area and perimeter and have been learning to calculate areas of shapes including compound shapes. We have also been finding out how to calculate the perimeter of shapes other than squares and rectangles.

Through our literacy work we have been focussing on our use of adverbials and how we can use these at the beginning of sentences. We have also been learning to use different methods to plan and write stories with a focus on how best to begin a story if we really want to ‘hook’ the reader.

With our topic now completed Mr Reed has been really impressed at how much knowledge we have about what has been an incredible period of Scottish history. We have all taken part in presentations to share with the class one aspect of the period. We all enjoyed doing these although it was a little scary to stand in front of the class and become the class teacher, even if it was for only a few minutes.

Next week we have a very hectic week as we are out on Monday morning to ‘Christmas unwrapped’. Where we will be looking at the story of Christmas as well as taking part in some craft activities. We also will be preparing for our Christmas performance, where Primary 5 will be singing a song which we were desperate to sing.

Primary 5


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