Coats of arms

We have had a great week this week although there has been a touch of sadness; we are drawing our amazing ‘Scottish War of Independence’ topic to a close and are beginning to show how much we have learnt in various different ways. Mr Reed set us a challenge to attempt to answer some tricky questions however we were able to answer all of them using our knowledge as well as referring to the timeline that we have been using. We also completed our three part story of a soldier heading off to fight in the Batlle of Bannockburn. Our stories allowed us the chance to use key vocabulary which engages and excites the reader.

Throughout the week we have been practising our use of multiplication and have been solving word problems using the different techniques we have been shown.

As part of our art work we created coats of arms which told a little about ourselves. These we have been told will create another display outside our classroom.

Not quite what we meant.


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