Primary 7 Week Beginning the 10th September 2018

This week in Primary 7 it has been Big Maths Week , we have been working on how to multiply 4 and 5 digit numbers by multiples of 10,100 and 1,000. We have worked on our 8 times tables and tried to beat our Big Maths scores. We have taken part in the Sum Dog Bigh Maths Challenge. We have applied our problem solving skills by completing a STEM challenge to find out if we could make a boat from tin foil to hold at least 35 marbles! We had great fun designing boats and finding out how many marbles they would hold. We then weighed our boat and out boat with the marbles to find out the weight capacity of our design! We then wrote up our experiment using scientific language and investigated the science behind floating and sinking. we found out it had a lot do with mass and density. In Writing we continued with our Titanic Fact files. In Topic we investigated life on board the Titanic. Some of us started a technology challenge to create 3D cabins. In Art we investigated the work of Modigliani and created a self- portrait in the same style. Finally w

e prepared a performance and a video for Mrs Wilson’s assembly and sadly we had to say goodbye to our lovely PT after 10 years! we wish her great luck in the future.

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