The end of an Era

This week has been one of mixed emotions, we have enjoyed much of the learning that has taken place but we have also been preparing to say goodbye to Mrs Wilson. Primary 5 created a poem which we performed to her telling her how much we appreciated all that she has done for us over her time at St. Joseph’s.

In our Literacy work this week we wrote the front page of our newspaper, reporting on the discovery of King Alexander III’s body at the bottom of the cliffs at Kinghorn. We have enjoyed learning about the different features and techniques used by papers.

Maths this week saw us refine our number skills and using what we know to solve word problems.

On Wednesday me had a film crew in to film us as we tackled a challenge that Mr Reed had set us. Mr Reed had challenged us to harness the power of the wind to bring a cup from the floor up to the height of the table. We had lots of different resources which we could use. We based our designs on wind turbines which Mr Reed had talked to us about. This was a great fun task and although not every group was sucessful, we all enjoyed the challenge.

We are excited about what next week will bring.

Primary 5

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