Last Post of 2017 from P5!

A very happy Christmas to one and all.

As we reach the end of what has been another wonderful week, it is also a time to reflect on some of the lovely moments we as a class have shared together.

Throughout the week we have maintained our focus around Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. We have reached the end of the story and have enjoyed discussing and presenting our ideas as to which ghost had the biggest impact on Scrooge. We created  presentations to based upon each ghost’s point of view and tried to persuade the class it was the right one. Throughout this lesson Mr Reed’s opinions changed significantly as we put forward our reasons for our choices. We have some budding lawyers in our class!

We also found out this week the results from tour enterprise topic. We were delighted to find out that collectively we raised £392.68 profit. This is a staggering accomplishment and one that has impressed everyone in our school. We  discussed how we wanted to spend the money came up with lots o f ideas . We still have a few areas to finalise but we  will be supporting one or two charities, we will be reinvesting a percentage of the money and also purchasing some resources for our class. We look forward to sharing more with you as we reach a definitive decision.

With Christmas parties, reward afternoon and celebration assemblies it is however the end of term and with that we would like to wish each of you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful new year, or in the words of Tiny Tim ‘God Bless Us, Every One!’

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