Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 19, 2020
by Miss Gorman

P5 Home Learning: 20th April


We hope you managed to enjoy your time over the Easter holidays and got to enjoy some of the sunshine! Can you believe we are now in the final term of Primary 5?! Not quite how we imagined it but somehow it’s still here this quickly. It feels like only yesterday we were doing our Jamaica and Fiji topics.

This week’s home learning grid can be found here:- 20th April Home Learning
Please read the grid carefully as there are some websites and some guidance on there. Try to complete one literacy, one numeracy and one additional task each day. We have included links to the worksheets and any additional resources you may require below.

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April 19, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Week 3 20/4/20

Good morning Primary 3. Mrs Buchannan and I are missing you all but hope that you managed to enjoy your ‘stay at home’ Easter holidays. I hope the Easter bunnies were very generous to you all. Did you complete any of the fun activities that Mrs Matthews put up for you each day.

I am sure you are all now well rested and ready to learn, so please find attached this weeks homework activities and remember to complete any written work neatly into your jotters.

Stay home and stay safe.

Mrs Russell

First Level Learning Grid Week 3 (1)

April 16, 2020
by User deactivated

Peter Rabbit

Thursday 16th April 2020

Over the past few weeks I have been doing some jigsaws to keep me occupied.  For today’s activity I have got an online jigsaw for you to try featuring one of my favourite characters, Peter Rabbit (click here).  Afterwards why not settle down and watch Peter Rabbit on one of his many adventures with his friends.

If you enjoy this there are lots more Peter Rabbit activities on the CBeebies website for you to try.  Click on the picture of Peter Rabbit below to access these.

April 15, 2020
by User deactivated

Make Your Own Sundial

Wednesday 15th April 2020

So it looks like it’s going to be another sunny day today!   Have you ever wondered how people told the time before we had clocks and watches?  Watch the video below to find out and follow the instructions on how to make your very own sun dial!


April 15, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Easter Holidays Activity: Multiplication Mosaics

We thought you might be missing some maths, so today’s activity is multiplication mosaics! Use your knowledge of the times tables to help you uncover the hidden pictures.

Easter Multiplication Mosaics 

If you don’t have access to a printer remember you can still access a range of multiplication games on the internet. Topmarks have a wide range of games to choose from: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/multiplication-and-division 

Or why not try one of the following https://www.multiplication.com/teach/classroom-games  There are different games, some you may be familiar with, that require little or no equipment.

Stay safe 🙂

Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

April 14, 2020
by User deactivated

Home Made Daredevil Parachute

Tuesday 14th April 2020

I thought that this looked a rather exciting activity to try today.  The video below shows you how to make a parachute for an action figure (although I think that this would work equally well with a teddy or other soft toy.)  All you need to make it is a plastic bag, string, sellotape and figure of your choice. Take it outside on this lovely sunny day and test it out!

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