Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 26, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5 Home Learning: 27th April

Another week into lockdown! We hope you are all keeping well and staying busy. We have loved talking to you over Teams and seeing your wonderful work! We’ve been particularly impressed with how well some of you are picking up British Sign Language and seem to be enjoying it.

Moving forward we will be continuing with using our learning grid. Please try to complete the ‘priority tasks’, these are the ones marked with a star. These should be uploaded into the correct Assignment by the end of the week. Please read instructions and the resources carefully. If you need any assistance then feel free to drop us a message on the comments section below, or your children can contact us directly on Teams during the normal school hours.

You will notice we still have ‘Additional Tasks’. These are extensions of work to challenge you or some activities that will allow you to try something new/different. Please feel free to do as many as you like. You can upload evidence (photos, drawings, word documents, PowerPoints etc) of these activities into the P5 2019-20 page under the ‘Additional Activities’ channel.

Keep up the good work boys and girls, and stay safe!

Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

Continue Reading →

April 24, 2020
by Miss Suen

Last story of the Week

Hello Primary 1! Just one more story for you all 🙂 It is a book written by Lynley Dodd and published by the Penguin Group. A lot of you have heard of the main character of this book!

IT’S Hairy Maclary!!!

One more thing before the story. ‘WELL DONE!!!! 🙂 ‘to SF, SC, KMG, TK and JW from Ms Suen’s class. You did so well on Sumdog this week!!!

I’ve also noticed AB have been practising her sounds on Reading Wise and you are doing very well!!!

Enjoy the story and have a good weekend!

Ms Suen 🙂

Hairy Maclary 1

April 24, 2020
by User deactivated

P1M Sumdog Number Word Challenge

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well.  “Congratulations!” to MW and “Well Done!” to AR, LM and M McK.

LM you also had a go at the Spelling Challenge!

I know how much some of you loved to draw when we we were in class so here are some animals you might want to try to copy into your jotters and then you can colour them in.


Have a lovely weekend.  I hope the sun keeps shining on us all.

Take care.

Mrs Meek

April 24, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Primary 4 Weekly Learning Grid 27.04.20

Hello Everyone!

Below is the learning grid for week beginning Monday 27th of April. Have a little read of the whole thing, starred activities are the tasks that you should prioritise.

All files needed to complete the tasks are below and also in the files section on teams under Class Materials > Weekly Resources > Wk B 27.04.20.

P4 Learning Grid 27.04.20


Fractions of Amounts 2 READ ME FIRST

Lesson 2 Answers Lesson 2 Task

Lesson 3 Answers Lesson 3 Task

Lesson 4 Answers Lesson 4 Task


Handwriting Unit 6

First Level Narrative Targets

Primary 4 Core Targets With Pictures

Health & Wellbeing:

Keeping Safe Around Medicine Power Point

Keeping Safe Around Medicine Quiz

Keeping Safe Around Medicines Topic READ ME FIRST

Medicine Questions Spinner

What if… Cards

Thank you for all of your hard work. Have a lovely week! Remember to share your learning on our Teams page!

Miss Barclay & Miss Hanlon

April 24, 2020
by Mrs Duff


Good morning Primary 2 and what a lovely morning it is! Il fait beau aujourd’hui! I hope you manange to have some fun out in the sun today.
I’ve attached the answers for this week’s Maths questions, just in case you managed to do them.
Hope you and your families have a lovely weekend.

Take care,
Mrs Duff



April 24, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Sumdog – P3B

Hello P3B.

I hope you have all had a fun week learning but, just as Mrs Russell said, the most important thing is you are staying home and staying safe.
A big well done to those of you who have been accessing sumdog this week. I check every day to see who is on and working hard. So well done to CW, AL, KG, VD, JH, NR, SR, JL, KG and CW!!

Also a big thank you to LR for bringing in some beautiful artwork to show me. Miss Suen took a picture and sent it to me. You are so creative! Keep it up.
Keep safe and have a great weekend when it comes.

Miss Buchanan

April 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 2 Reading Comprehension Answers

Hell Boys and Girls. How are you all doing? We hope you are managing to get some learning done each day. Remember to go outside for a walk and in your garden, if you have one. You can see so much if you look around you. I have been enjoying my walks each day with the sunshine, trees opening their leaves and cherry blossom appearing. I love listening to the bird song too and watching squirrels scampering up the trees as we pass by.

Have you managed to do the Reading Comprehension we set you this week? If you have here are the answers for you to check them.

Have a lovely weekend and remember to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Take care. We miss you all very much.

Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler

Pears Reading Comprehension

Fable-Comp- Answers

Lucy and Daisy answers

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