Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 27, 2020
by Miss Gorman
1 Comment

Family Movie Night

Lights! Camera! Action!

We all love a good movie and I can imagine many of you are missing going to the cinema (I’m missing getting a blue Tango Ice Blast!). So why not have a Friday Family Movie Night?

Here are some activities which can help you prepare and get the most out of  your Movie Night. They’ve been organised into small tasks for each day of the week, but you can do them whenever you have the chance.

Let us know how you get on 🙂

April 27, 2020
by Miss Gorman

P4-7 Learning Grids

Dear Parent/Carer of Primary 4 -7 children

I hope that you and your families have managed to enjoy at least some of the sunny weather over the past few days.

We were really pleased to see so many children engaging with their learning last week however for some, I know that you have had issues with Teams and with easily finding learning activities for your children.  Therefore from today, you will find learning grids for all year groups both on our Learning Hub –https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/harrysmuirps/   and also on Teams.  These grids bring together a range of activities for the week into 1 place and we have also highlighted priority tasks (reading/writing, numeracy & health and wellbeing) on the grids as a place to start.  These priority tasks will also be set as assignments within Teams to allow children to share their learning where possible.

Please also remember that paper copies of grids and activities are available if you would prefer so please get in contact with the school office on 01506 434501 or email us directly at wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Stay safe and thank you,

Tim Wallace
Head Teacher

PDF version of letter can be found here: letter learning grids 270420

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Phonics Videos – Slight Delay

Morning All,

If you tried to tune into the Read Write Inc videos already this morning, you may have experienced some delay. I was trying to watch Set 2 live as well and there a bit of confusion – the initial ‘ow’ had the wrong date on it, and there was also a delay with it going live. I was messaging Ruth Miskin Training at the time and they said just to keep refreshing the screen till it goes live. Alternatively, try it half hour later after the live time, and it’ll definitely be there.

Any questions please get in touch. If you did manage to tune in I hope your child enjoyed it.


Mrs Black

April 27, 2020
by Miss Suen

Bonjour! Good Morning!

Good morning Primary 1! Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂

Ms Suen spent some time out for a walk and a deer ran passed me! 

I was also spending some time looking for new activities and I came across a post from RBS about Money Sense. We were learning about money in our previous learning grid.  They are starting online lesson every Monday. Today’s lesson starts at 11:30 am!!! Here is the link for their channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RBS/.

Join them every Monday morning fun and interactive MoneySense lessons, specially created for Key Stages 1 and 2 and hosted by experienced teachers and Royal Bank Community Bankers.

Each lesson will be broken down into a 10 minute introduction and around 13 minutes of activities with a 7 minute Q&A at the end.

Lesson 1: Monday 27th April, 11.30am-12pm

Level: Key Stage 1, ages 5-8
Topic: Notes and coins


Teacher host: Danielle McPherson
A passionate primary school teacher from Paisley, Danielle ran a MoneySense workshop at her school just before it closed in March.

Royal Bank host: Jane Milne, Community Banker covering the north of Scotland.

What is MoneySense?
MoneySense is a financial education programme, provided for free by Royal Bank, that aims to help 5-18 year-olds towards a better financial future. It uses the key money moments in a young person’s life – starting to save their pocket money, opening a bank account or getting their first mobile phone – to make learning about money feel relatable.

Find more resources for parents on their website: https://rbs.mymoneysense.com/home-learning/

Accredited and educationally robust
MoneySense is proud to have been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark by Young Money. The programme is based on the Financial Education Planning Framework, and has been created with input from practising teachers to support the curriculum.

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

P2K Sumdog

Hello everyone. How are you all? I really miss your cheery smiles and yes, even your chatter!! I have been keeping an eye on who is accessing Sumdog and am really pleased to see how many of you have been going on. Remember to challenge yourself. If you are in Squares or Triangles try not to stick to numbers to 10. You are able to do sums with much bigger numbers so try those for numbers to 20 and beyond. If you have not been on very much or not at all, have a go. There is also Topmarks if you want to try something different. Let me know what you have been up to. I would love to hear from you.

Take care

Mrs Kohler


April 27, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Week 4

Good morning Primary 3. Mrs Buchannan and I hope that you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. We are missing you all and can’t wait to see you all when this is all over.

You will find the link to the home learning grid below. The items marked in yellow are the most important and the others can be completed if you have time.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Russell

First Level Learning Grid Week 4 (1)

flag_colouring_combinations (1)

April 27, 2020
by Mrs Duff

P2 Learning Grids 27.04.20

Good morning Primary 2! How are you this morning?

Mrs Kohler and I hope you had a good weekend and managed to spend some time outside in all that lovely sunshine. I notice Mrs Black has got some fun activities for you to do about the sun too.

Below are the links to this week’s Literacy and Maths learning grids as well as the Maths worksheets for the Triangles and Squares. Remember to take your time and just do the best you can.

If you have a spare moment, have a look at the Author’s Live:

There’s 2 fun stories to listen to, read by the author and the illustrator, Steven Lenton, shows you how to draw one of the characters – a dog.

Remember, if you have any questions or comments, please send them on the Blog. We’d love to hear from you.

Take care,
Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler
2020_04_27 P2 LITERACY GRID

2020_04_27 P2 MATHS GRID



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