Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 3, 2020
by Mrs Fairley

VE Day 8th May 2020

This Friday of May will mark 75 years since VE Day as the United Kingdom remembers the end of war in Europe.

The coronavirus outbreak means that there will be no street parties, parades or concerts this year, but nonetheless there is plenty going on to celebrate. Here are some ideas for you, you could send/post some pictures for us to see 🙂

VE Day 1 page

May 3, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5 Home Learning: 4th May

Happy Star Wars Day! We hope you are enjoying a long weekend. Can you believe it’s May already?! Mrs Davies & I will not be on Teams today or tomorrow due to the holiday, but will be back on Wednesday.

Please ensure you use the supporting materials to help you, as well as having access to them here you can find them on Teams (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Weekly Resources > Wkb 4th May). Priority tasks should be uploaded into the appropriate Assignment.

This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 4th May Home Learning

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May 2, 2020
by User deactivated

Baking Bread

Saturday 2nd May 2020

Yesterday I followed Mr Paul Hollywood’s instructions and baked myself a loaf of bread (see the picture below).   It was very tasty I must say and the smell of it baking made my family very hungry!  (I wonder if Mr Hollywood would give me a handshake or tell me it had a soggy bottom?!)

I have put the video that I followed below so that you can try it out for yourself but it might be a good idea to enlist the help of an adult or older brother or sister to help you.


As you may know, the main ingredient in bread is flour.  Here is a video to explain where flour comes from.

May 1, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Home Learning and May Holiday

Whilst we are heading into a holiday weekend and staff training day, our teachers will still be publishing learning grids at the start of the week to allow families to stick to their weekly routines if they wish to do so. Please note that teachers will not be engaging with children on Teams until next Wednesday. Have a good weekend and stay safe.

– HPS Staff Team

May 1, 2020
by Mrs Ross

Week Beginning the 4th of May

Hello Primary 7,

Here is everything you need for the week beginning the 4th of May. Please read over the learning grid to begin with and all resources needed will be posted both here and on Teams.

Thank you,

Mrs Ross and Miss McKean

Learning Grid P7-4th of April- to upload

Unit 3 Extension

Triangles Worksheet

The 39 Clues – the_maze_of_bones

My Diary

John Constable


EPIC log in

Angles worksheet

39 Clues Questions Ch1 and 2- student worksheet

May 1, 2020
by Mrs Russell

Well done P3R

Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed the story yesterday. I have been having a look on Sumdog and was very pleased to see that ten of you have been working hard on your maths. Some of you have also been working on Spelling and Grammar.

Well done to EP, PC, KD, KJB, TT, JT, ZF, MK, ZW, and RD.

May 1, 2020
by Miss Suen

It’s the WEEKEND!

Good Morning P1 and P2/1

It’s Ms. Suen here with another story for you !

Before the story i would like to show you another lovely piece of writing from KMG in P1S! He drew a beautiful picture of Greg and he also wrote a little story for him! Well done K 🙂 Your hand writing has improved and i really like that you remembered all your finger spaces!

I have been keeping an eye on who is accessing Sumdog and Reading Wise and am really pleased to see how many of you have been going on. Remember to challenge yourself and try your best! A big well done to those of you who have been taking part online this week. I check every day to see who is on and working hard. So well done to AB, JW, KMG, SF, AF and TK !!!

Just a little reminder that you can always email us any work  you would like us to see! Send it here: wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk

It would be lovely to hear from you guys and know what you have been up to!

This is going to be last story with Daisy as the main character.


Enjoy and go on the last adventure with Daisy!

Come on Daisy


May 1, 2020
by Mrs Duff

Happy Belated Birthdays

Hello P2D!

Mrs Duff missed 2 birthdays in April. I am SO sorry. One was during the “Easter holidays” and the other one just after.
So a very happy belated birthday to ZD and EA.
I hope you had a lovely day, even though it would have been different from other birthdays.
I can’t wait to hear what presents you got.

Take care,
Mrs Duff

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