Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

STEM Challenge: Week 2

May 11, 2020 by Miss Gorman | 0 comments

Egg in a Bottle

Take a look at the picture below. What do you see? What do you predict is going to happen?

Now watch the video: https://explorify.wellcome.ac.uk/en/activities/whats-going-on/egg-in-bottle/classroom

What questions do you have about the experiment? Share your questions and thoughts with us on the comments section or via Twitter/Facebook.

At the end of the week I’ll share the science behind it!

Miss Gorman

May 6, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

P4 Teams Guide

Just a little message and guidance for Teams. This has also been posted on the Teams page. Primary 4 Teams Guide Have a lovely day. 🙂 Miss Hanlon and Miss Barclay.

May 4, 2020
by Miss Gorman

STEM Challenges: Week One

STEM Challenges 4th May As some of you may know the school are due to take part in the Great Science Share, a event which aims to encourage children to ask questions & develop their natural curiosity! The event is … Continue reading

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