P6 Assembly
Just a reminder that the P6 assembly is on Friday morning at 9.15. The children have planned it and written it themselves, everyone has worked hard.
Please come and join us if you can.
Winter Ready 2015
As we all know, the nights are getting longer and darker as Winter is approaching.
This year all of our ‘Winter Ready’ packs are going to be available online.
In case of a snow day, pick the pack appropriate for your child’s class, and try out some of the fantastic ideas at home.
Click on the link below to download the booklet for your class.
Primary Six Newsletter- Oct-Dec ’15
Meet Ridley!
Primary 7 reap the fruits of their labours !
Primary 7 planted apple trees at Beechbrae and have had to wait patiently for them to bear fruit!
Now in Primary 7, the children headed back up to the orchard with Ally Aitken, the Project Manager at Beechbrae and picked not only a wide variety of apples but also peas.
The class learned a great deal about their local surroundings en route to the orchard and are excited to see the trees flourish in the future!
P2 Christmas Cards!
P2 French Smart Start
Social Studies Parents’/Carers’ Questionnaire
We are looking for parents’/carers’ opinion about social studies topics. Please spend 10 minutes completing our survey, which is anonymous, by copying and pasting the link below. Thank you.