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Health Week 1st – 5th June

Next week is our Health Week and we have been able to organise lots of activities to take place. Every day each class will be able to enjoy a range of activities as detailed below:

Nursery – P7 NuMoves

Nursery – P7 ASDA Fruit Tasting

Nursery – P4 Judo

Nursery – P7 Xcite

P3 – P7 Handball

Nursery – P5 Smoothie Bike

On Thursday afternoon we will hold our Sports Day (weather permitting) and finish the week off on Friday morning with whole school outdoor activities (again weather permitting!).

Each day children should bring their outdoor and indoor PE kit so as to take advantage of any good weather we may have and ensure they have a bottle of water also.

We will be taking lots of photos of all of the children participating in the activities – check back next week to see them!

Careers Event

On Wednesday 20th May we held a careers event for P6 & P7 to give them a taster of the kinds of jobs available. We were very lucky to have various parents/carers and members of the public come along and talk to the children about their job and the qualifications necessary. We had a criminal investigator from the Home Office, landscape architect, police officer, graphic designer, business readiness analyst, careers adviser, postman and teacher. A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who gave up their time to pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm to the children. Both classes thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are now very keen to find out more about some careers.


Walk of Fame!

We have been participating in Living Street’s Walk to School Travel Tracker since January and lots of children have been earning badges each  month to show that they have chosen to travel actively to school by walking, cycling, scooting or doing the park and stride. This month Living Streets has created a Walk of Fame to highlight the daily top ten of the most active schools across Scotland and Blackridge have appeared in this top ten twice this week! On Tuesday 12th May we were in position 8 and on Wednesday 13th May we moved up to 7th position! Well done to all of the children who are making active journeys to school. Keep it up! (Click on the photo to enlarge).

In 7th position!
In 7th position!