
We were looking at the story “The Storm” and how the author uses the setting in a story to create a feeling or mood.

Rachel said that when the marsh is described in the summer it makes her feel relaxed. She imagines the marsh to have bunnies hopping around, she can smell the flowers and the river which makes her feel happy. She can also hear the river flowing which relaxes her.

Amy said the river is glittering and sparkly in the summer. Elle said the Ford would be warm. Leah said the river has a soothing sound.

Kai and Melissa said that when the marsh is described in the winter, it makes them feel scared. They imagine the river to be frozen over, the trees are bare which cast scary shadows.

Willa’s house might have smashed windows because of the storm.

Emma said she will use this technique in her writing to create a mood.

2 thoughts on “Settings”

  1. Sounds like a nice place to be in the summer but not in the winter.

    Me and my friends could play there all day if we wanted to.But if I was there in the winter I would feel like im getting sucked into a big black windy hole.But why can’t it be nice in the winter to?.Whats the problem? Why do people not like going to it in the winter.Did you read the hole book? I realy want to find out what happens next.I am going to look on line and find out about the marsh it sounds like a fun story to read!

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