Animal of the week – Hippopotamus

Our animal of the week is a hippopotamus.

What do you know about a hippopotamus?

What questions do you have about a hippopotamus?

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11 thoughts on “Animal of the week – Hippopotamus”

  1. hippopotamus do most of their eating during the night. Their diet consists mainly of grass and some water plants. During the day they spend most of their time basking in the sun.

  2. hipopotomis is one of the most dangeros animal in the world!

    hipopotomis are herbivores

    they spend most of there time in the water

    they are very fast

    they have two big front teath

    its the lagerst fresh water mammel

  3. A hippos skin has its own suncream, there closest relatives are whales. There leg bones are not hollow this makes them heavy so they sink and they can walk along the bottom of the Oasis they can’t swim.

  4. I have a question, why are hippopotamuses so fat?

    St augustines junior school
    Worksop, England, Nottinghamshire

  5. To p4
    I like the way you chose the Hippopotamus to be the animal of the week.
    What does Hippopotamuses eat?
    From Katherine (room7)

  6. To p4
    Did you know that hippos are Africas most dangerous animal?
    Why is the hippopotamus your animal of the week?
    Let me guess your’e learning about Africa.
    Hippos are cool creatures!
    From Loren

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