Category Archives: Reflection

Statement of intent

Visual Arts Practice 1

I plan to follow two lines of Practical Inquiry; landscape and figurative. Within landscape I plan to revisit two major paintings which have the potential for further development and which I have ‘intended’ to work on for some time.  I am surrounded by art work both past and present which is an invaluable source of inspiration to me. Triptych and diptych works interest me as I look for the connection from one piece to the other, so this will become a line of inquiry. I want to return to these important paintings created in the past, select areas from them and by enlarging, manipulating and exploring a range of materials, create art work which focuses more on abstraction, composition, colour and line. Colour is very important to me; contrasting, bold, dramatic, so it may be a challenge to experiment with more muted tones and black and white. Line; I love the undulating line found in landscape and would love to explore what lies beneath the surface of the earth. Continue reading Statement of intent