Category Archives: Primary 3

P5 Boat Challenge

Mary Queen of Scots traveled back to Scotland on a boat.  We carried out another Critical Skills Challenge to put our technology skills to the test.  We had to design a boat which met the following criteria:

  • made from junk materials;
  • between 20 & 30 cm long;
  • able to float upright in the water without being held by anyone or anything, even when there are waves;
  • able to hold 5 x 5g weights to represent Mary and her four friends while sailing.

We all tackled this well and none of our boats sank!!  Here are our finished models:


By Natasha, Roobie B & Shayne




By Katie, Madyson & Leon




By Brad, Jessica & Brooke



By Matthew, Sarah & Erin



By Gabriela, Leah, Kuba & Kieran

Atlas Work

As part of topic on Mary Queen of Scots, we have been learning how to use atlases to locate places Mary visited.  We can now look up the Index to find the page number and grid reference and can use this to locate the town/city.  Have a look at some of us in action:

SAM_4182 SAM_4185

Maths & Numeracy Open Morning

We had lots of parents and carers visiting Stoneyburn Primary school this morning to see some of the ways we teach Maths & Numeracy in school.  We were delighted with the number of visitors we had at today and the children loved showing their families the Maths activities in their classrooms.  For those of you who didn’t manage to make it along or for anyone who would like to have another look at the parent presentation from the beginning of the session, you can click on this link to have a look.Open morning presentation  If you have any comments on the session this morning, we’d love to hear from you on here as we plan to run more sessions like this in the future so we’d like to improve them in any way we can!

Fruity Friday – Back Again


Fruity Friday is back to help encourage people to eat a little bit healthier.  By eating fruit or vegetables for your snack its going to help keep your muscles strong, make your hair grow, keep your skin healthy, keep your heart healthy and gives you lots of good energy.
Fruity Friday has changed this year.

What is the same?

Every Friday pupils should bring in fruit or vegetables to eat for their snack.  Teachers will record this on Fruity Friday sheets.

What is new?

If you have fruit or vegetables for 5 Fridays you will get a Bronze certificate.
If you have fruit or vegetables for 10 Fridays you will get a Silver certificate.
If you have fruit or vegetables for 20 Fridays you will get a Gold certificate.
If you have fruit or vegetables for 28 Fridays you will get a Platinum certificate.

There will be a Fruity Friday Monitor for each class to make sure that winners get their certificates.

Fruit and vegetables can be eaten any day of the week for snack.  Let’s get into some good eating habits.

Fruity Friday starts on Friday 2nd October.

By Robbie Baird, Jessica Williamson and Rebecca Watt

Working hard.

We had some fun doing our Mental Maths this week, we used our white boards and played games on the smart board. Our favourite one was ‘Spin to Win’, where we had to decide how to use the digits to make the biggest number.  We even had a boys versus girls competition.

On Thursday we had a visitor from NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland). Karen will be with us every Thursday until Christmas, teaching us about singing and playing games with us, to help us understand beat and pitch.

We also chose which pupil voice groups we wanted to be on, its been a busy few days!!


P5 have been exploring length!

Over the past week, we have been learning about length.  Some of us have been brushing up on our ruler skills by drawing accurate shapes of given sizes.  Others have been converting between different units of length e.g. cm and m, cm and mm, m and km, etc.  Here are some web links if you want to continue your learning at home, or if you just want to show off what you can do!