All posts by K Gardinier

Forth Road Bridge Sponsored Walk

This Sunday, 11th October, is our sponsored walk day, teaming up with Greenrigg Priamry.  From Stoneyburn we have 24 pupils signed up to walk across the bridge with a member of their family and we’re all really looking forward to it.  an 11am start from the bridge car park on the south side- remember, you can wear your onesie or feel free to dress up if you’d like to!  We’ll post pictures here of all the fun next week, after the big event!

Maths & Numeracy Open Morning

We had lots of parents and carers visiting Stoneyburn Primary school this morning to see some of the ways we teach Maths & Numeracy in school.  We were delighted with the number of visitors we had at today and the children loved showing their families the Maths activities in their classrooms.  For those of you who didn’t manage to make it along or for anyone who would like to have another look at the parent presentation from the beginning of the session, you can click on this link to have a look.Open morning presentation  If you have any comments on the session this morning, we’d love to hear from you on here as we plan to run more sessions like this in the future so we’d like to improve them in any way we can!

Spelling with playdough!

Some of the Primary 2s were working with Mrs Gardinier this week and were going over the sounds we know from Colourful Consonants and Vowel House.  We were spelling words using playdough and using the right colours for the right letters- it was lots of fun and we were very good at spelling the words- next week we will be challenging ourselves to spell more difficult words but we’d still like to use the playdough! IMG_0666 IMG_0669

Number Hunt with P1s and P2s

Mrs Gardinier took some Primary 1s and Primary 2s out around the school grounds this morning.  We had a card that gave us things to look for and the number of each thing we had to find.  We had to find 1 flower, 2 sticks, 3 leaves, 4 stones and 5 nuts or seeds.  We worked in teams of two and three to find the objects and then check our cards at the end to make sure we had everything.  We had to practice our counting and organise the things we had in our baskets in to groups when we were checking things off on our list.  It was a sunny morning and we had a great time- as you can see form our pictures!

Our task cardChecking time

A busy week in Primary 3/4

This week we have been reading more of our class novel- The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.  For technology, we made our own owls with wings that flap- we used split pins to attach the wings to the body and they could move.

We have also done some work on Wallace and Bruce and we were looking at their Coats of Arms and we’re colouring in shields in the correct colours.

We have had visitors in our classroom this week- Mrs Gibson joined us for writing on Wednesday and Mrs Gardinier was with us on Friday morning.  We were doing LEGO Maths with her and we were adding the dots on pieces together to reach target numbers. We worked on our own and in teams to find the answers.

Our Pupil Leadership Team

Ben and Beth have Stuart and Zoe to support them in their roles this year as they were elected to be Depute Head Boy and Depute Head Girl.  They will be busy with a number of different duties this year that will help to support the school to be the best it can be!

Zoe Gordon (DHG), Beth MacMillan (HG), Ben Black (HB), Stuart Russell (DHB)
Zoe Gordon (DHG), Beth MacMillan (HG), Ben Black (HB), Stuart Russell (DHB)