All posts by Mrs Robley

P5 End of Term Reflection

Here is a quick summary of what we have been learning this term:

Maths = 3D Shape, Co-ordinates, Logo, different multiplication and division strategies, adding and subtracting tens and ones, describing arrays, number patterns and sequences including magic squares.

Language = Book reviews, converting scripts to stories and stories to scripts, speech marks, apostrophes for contractions, poetry – similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyme, difference between fact and opinion, debating and philosophy.

Topics = Loch Ness then Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Science = Tim Peake’s mission to Space, space weather, food in space, writing scientific reports, making and testing our own rockets.

Health = Online safety, communicating safely with people online, friendships and bullying.

ICT = PowerPoints, E-mailing Norwegian E-pals

French = Pets

Polish = Numbers to 15 and greetings

Reflecting on Term 3:

My favourite part of this term was doing the ‘Magic Squares’ in maths although it was quite hard.  (Sarah)

My favourite part of this term was learning about when Tim Peake took off in the rocket.  (Leon)

I now know how to say the names of some pets in French (Robbie G)

The hardest part of this term was trying to complete the ‘Magic Squares’ but to make it easier we used a whiteboard to try it out first.  (Katie)

Something that puzzled me this term was how to create a face using Turtle Logo on the computer.  (Matthew)

I thought that saying the animal names in French was a bit tricky.  (Jessica)

My favourite part was watching video clips about volcanoes (Keiron H)

I now know how to make the skeletons of some 3D shapes.  I couldn’t do this before.  (Alexandra)

The person that helped me the most this term was Mrs Robley because anytime we need her she is always there to help.  (Brad)

Something that still puzzles me is trying to remember the names of pets in French because I sometimes get mixed up.  (Leah)

Eco Advert

Please have a look at the advert created by the Eco Pupil Voice Group today.  It’s to encourage people not to take parts of their lunch outside to try to reduce the amount of litter in our playground and to keep ourselves safe.

You can view the advert on the school Plasma screen.

P5 Nessie Debate

Over the last few weeks we have been investigating the Loch Ness Monster.  We explored possible sightings and researched reasons ‘For’ and ‘Against’ the existence of Nessie.  The children suggested we hold a debate on the subject as they had been hearing all about this from children who attend our after school debating club.

So, children who attend the debating club explained how a debate was organised and then we got started.  Our motion was… ‘Does the Loch Ness monster actually exist?’  Have a look at the proposition and opposition stating their side of the argument.  Robbie B was our chairperson:

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P5 Transition Day

Primary 5 had a very successful day at Greenrigg on Tuesday learning all about healthy eating.  Firstly they explored the different food groups then had to sort a shopping bag of food into the correct groups.  They explored which foods helped them stay active and which food helped them to grow.

They all enjoyed the afternoon session where they made a 3D mouth with teeth using papier mache – it was very sticky and messy but by the end of the day every group had a completed model, ready to be painted the next time we meet up, when they will be learning all about their teeth and the important role milk plays in this.

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P5 Audio Book Review

As part of our talking, listening and ICT work, we have created an audio book review of our class novel ‘Mr Stink’ by David Walliams.  We now know how to record and insert audio into a PowerPoint, how to change the slide design and add new slides and how to add images from either a camera or the Internet.  Here is our finished book review for you to look at and listen to.  Click on the link below (you will need to have PowerPoint on your computer to allow it to open):

Mr Stink Book Review