Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning Primary 2!

Let’s start the day with Joe Wicks:

Literacy – Here are some words where the letters have been mixed up. Can you re-arrange the letters to spell the correct word?

  1. mfro
  2. ayd
  3. enbe
  4. kacb
  5. ynma
  6. neo
  7. ggnoi
  8. rea
  9. kolo
  10. eh
  11. hucm
  12. aws

We have been looking at similes. Remember, a simile is

Here is a link to a worksheet where you have to write your own simile. Here is an example for number 1:

I am as quick as a flash of lightning.

Write Your Own Similes

Maths – Addition to 20


Please let us know how you are getting on. You can email on


P1 Literacy and PE

Morning everyone,

Hope you all well and safe.

For PE this morning we thought you might like to try something abit different. This mat asks you to make lots of shapes like you did during gymnastics.

Can you make some shapes?

For Literacy today we would like you to continue with some of the work from the Fairyland SWAY from yesterday. Today we would like you to try task 2:

Ask a grown up to help you to find out about castles. Who lives in castles? Why are the windows so small? Why is there water around some castles? What is this called?

With the information you have gathered write an information report about castles using the questions above. Draw a picture of a castle in your jotter and answer the questions. Use the title ‘What is a castle’.

Go to this Sway


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 2 – Tuesday 19th May pm

Good afternoon boys and girls. Hope you got on well with your writing and money tasks from this morning.

When you are out your daily walk today, try the inventor scavenger hunt below. Good luck!



Draw a self portrait of your face. Remember to look in a mirror to check you have drawn all your features such as your eyebrows, eyelashes etc. Once you have drawn your face, try to make a list of words to describe yourself.  Email me photos of your portraits to


Enjoy, Mrs Reid

Primary 3 – 19/05/20 PM

Good afternoon!


Our class topic this term was supposed to be Farming, so Mrs Keenan has planned some Music lessons linked to farming for you!

Click on the link below:

How many animals are in the first song?

Try and song along with the song.

The second song is about things that can be done by animals, but only if you can tell a lie!

Join in with the third song Old MacDonald had a farm.


Last week you did a 2D shape hunt.   Click into the presentation below.  What 2D shapes can you find in these paintings?  Look closely and list all the shapes you can see.

shape in art

This week I would like you to create a piece of art with 2D shapes so you can practise drawing the shapes. Be creative! You can create an abstract picture like the ones by Kandinsky, or you can make a picture of your choosing using 2D shapes.

Ask your parent/carer to send me a photo of your work as I would love to see them.

Have a creative afternoon!

Mrs Harding

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

For maths today we would like you to make a pictogram of people in your homes favourite food. You could even phone some of your family if you would like to ask them too.

  1. You need to pick 4 foods to give as a choice for example banana, apple, orange and grapes.
  2. Ask each person what their favourite is putting a tally mark beside the one they pick.
  3. Once you have everyones choice you will make the pictogram. Remember to put the names of the foods along the bottom and your numbers up the side like I have shown you below. Once you have done that under each food draw a picture to represent how many people liked it.

Here is an example

What food was the favourite? Which was least favourite?

Once you have made your pictogram remember to send us it in 🙂

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Learning Grid

Hello P1,

We hope you have had a nice relaxing weekend.

We have attached the next learning grid with lots of new activities for you to complete with your family at a time that suits you best. There is a range of activities for you to try some of which do not require to you be on a device. We don’t expect you to complete them all. Please try to do the daily tasks and possibly one or two activities from literacy, maths, health and well being and art throughout the week. Remember to email us all your super work, we love to see them.

Don’t forget to pop back to the blog where you will find some of our activities here are linked to the learning grid.

Have fun! We can’t wait to see all that you have done.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

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