Primary 2 – 8.6.20

Good afternoon, how did you get on with your tasks this morning? Here are a few more for this afternoon.


Let’s order some numbers today. Here is a game for you to play. Click on the ordering game and choose your own level. You can choose which numbers you wish to use. Try to challenge yourself as much as possible

Once you have played the game, make your own number cards. Write different numbers on small individual pieces of paper. Choose 4 or 5 and see if you can order them from smallest to largest, then largest to smallest. Then choose another 4/5 cards and order them too. Repeat as often as you can. You choose which numbers to use. You might want to make all your cards 0-10 or 0-50 or 0-100 or 0-10,000. Challenge yourself. Have fun!



Complete some of these activities at home or in your garden. Try to encourage your family to join in. How many can you do? Have fun!

Pin on PE ideas at home


Remember to email photos of your work to me at

Have fun, Mrs Reid

Primary 3 – 8/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

This afternoon I have prepared an activity for our mini topic on Food and Farming.  You will be learning to watch and listen for information, as well as learning about the journey your food has been on.

Topic – Food and Farming

  1. Watch this video to see the farm to fork journey of carrots.

2. Copy and complete this diagram to show the carrot’s journey.  Sequence the sentences into the correct order and then draw a picture to go with each stage.  (All of the information can be found by watching the video.)

3. Find 3 extra facts from the video and write these down underneath your diagram.

Blue Peter Badge

From all the emails Mrs Docherty and I receive, I know lots of you are doing great things while you are at home.  From craft projects, to gardening, to random acts of kindness.

If you would like an extra challenge, why don’t you apply to earn a Blue Peter badge?!

Here is the link if you would like to explore further:


Last week I posted the Great French Language challenge from the British Council.  See if you can complete anything else from it this week!

Email us at:

Have a lovely afternoon,

Mrs Harding

Primary 1 maths and French

Good afternoon boys and girls 🙂

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are now back enjoying your learning tasks.

Today for maths can you make a maths game to practise addition and subtraction. I have an example below that you could try. You might want to just try addition on your game, or maybe just try subtraction.

You will need a dice, counter and a piece of paper.

Make your snake and ask an adult to write down some addition and subtraction questions. You can play this with an adult at home. Who can get to the end first?


Mrs Grenfell would like you to watch the film of school children in France.  Tell someone in your house the ways it is the same as your school and what ways it is different (not the same).


Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to write some capital letters. Using different colours can you write the alphabet in capitals?

Here is a short film explaining when we use capital letters.

Monday is word wall practise. Read over your word walls with a grown up. Pick 5 words you are finding tricky to remember and write them in the air, in flour or rice, on someone’s hand. Go on a word hunt and try to find these words around your house.

For PE this morning we would like you to join Maximo again,

Pop back later for some more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 2 – Monday 8th June

Good morning everyone, hope you had a great weekend and are all safe and well. Here are a few activities for you to complete this morning


Choose and read a book with someone in your family. Can you create your own questions about the book? Watch this video to help you


Try to write a question in your jotter that begins with each of these question words below

FREE Question Words Student Reference | Questions, Ecole



Mrs Grenfell has asked you to watch this film of school children in France. Tell someone in your house the ways it is the same as your school and what ways it is different (not the same).



Mrs Grenfell has sent you this RME task.

The Jewish holy book is called the Torah.

Would You Date According To The Rules Of The Torah? | Jdate


What book is special to you? Draw a picture of it and tell someone or write down why it is special.


Email photos of your work to me at

Mrs Reid

Primary 3 – 8/6/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend and were able to see some family and friends again.  I saw my parents for the first time in 11 weeks and it was lovely to see them even though we had to keep 2 metres apart!

Literacy – Spelling

This morning, have a go at spelling some tricky words using these 3 spelling jobs:

  1. Choose 10 words that you need to practise spelling from your tricky word wall or list.  Write them in your jotter and copy each word 3 times.
  2. Choose another spelling job and complete it in your jotter.  (Remember it could be bubble writing, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, draw and label for example.)
  3. Sentences – write each word in a sentence, remembering capital letters and full stops.

Finally, have a go at some of the spelling games on Espresso.  (These are free games so you shouldn’t need your log in details this time.)

Maths – Position and Movement

This morning, let’s practise using grid references to say where something is on a map.

  1. Have a look at this first and do the little quiz at the bottom of the webpage:

2.  Find the animals at each grid reference and write down the answers in your jotter:


Remember you can email us questions or pictures of work to:

Mrs Harding

Primary 1 Jigsaw

Good morning boys and girls,

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to find out about the different people in school that can help you. How many people can you think of that help you in the school? Tell someone at home who can help you.

Here are a few scenarios, Jack would like you to think about each of these and work out who you would ask to help you and how you would ask for the help.  The first one I will give an example of how you may ask for help.

You have fallen in the playground and hurt your knee. You might say ‘Please can you help me I have fallen and hurt my knee.’ Who might you ask this question too? Can you try the other examples now.

You are stuck with your maths work

The toilet is flooded

You have lost your lunchbox

Someone called you a name

You are worried about your mum

Your friend won’t let you play


In your jotter Jack would like you to complete the sentence

‘When someone helps me I feel…..’


Have a lovely day boys and girls. Enjoy your weekend and speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 2 – Friday 5th June

Good morning – Friday again. The weeks are flying by now. Hope you  have had a great week and have enjoyed seeing more of your family and friends outdoors.


Write about seeing your friends and family again outdoors. Write about who you saw this week, where you were, what you did, how did it feel after so long? Draw a picture to match your story. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces. Try to use interesting vocabulary to describe your feelings.

Email me your stories to



Let’s recap on our 2D and 3D shapes. Watch these videos to remind you about these shapes.


Complete this task below in your jotter. Try to draw the shapes too. Here are a few hints below to help you

Faces – faces are the flat sides of a shape

Edges – edges are the straight lines (where two faces meet)

Vertices – are the corners of a shape (where two or more edges meet)

First Grade 2D and 3D Shapes Worksheets | Matematica elementari e ...

Complete this hunt around your house and garden. Your family can join in too if they can.

Free Printable Scavenger Hunt for Kids - Ideas - The Mum Educates

Have fun, Mrs Reid

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Get your dancing shoes on as we are going to work out with Oti to learn a Jungle Book routine.

On Wednesday you received a letter from Russell the Scarecrow, today I would like you to write an imaginative story about an adventure Russell gets up to on the farm.

Please remember to use capital letters, full stops, joining words and adjectives.  Check over your story once you have finished.

Time for a little music challenge, how many questions can you answer, discuss your answers with an adult.

Health and Wellbeing

Muscle group squeeze

Sit on a chair and close your

eyes. Starting at your feet, tense up the muscles in your feet for a count of 5, then release. Tense up your calf muscles for a count of 5, then release. What changes can you notice? Slowly work up your body, tensing up and releasing your muscles as you go. When you are ready open your eyes.


Here are a few extra activities you may wish to try at home.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Mrs Docherty

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