Primary 2 – Afternoon 10th June 2020

How did you get on with the Code Breaker and Reading Challenge?


Here are some Maths Problems:


Here is a fun challenge you can do with your family:

Save the Treasure – PE


Be Active Challenge

This challenge comes from Sustrans 1k-a-day challenge.

Can you walk, run, cycle, skip, hop, jump 1 kilometre a day for a week?

Ultra Britain have set up a virtual challenge for families.

Track your progress. Share your photos. Get active together and get a certificate to mark your achievement.

Tell us how you get on by emailing us:




Primary 2 – Morning of 10th June 2020

Good morning Primary 2!

Get your day started with Joe Wicks:


Code Breaker

Exercise your brain with this Code Breaker. Can you decode the hidden message? The make your own hidden message and see if someone else can decode it:

Outer Space Secret Code


Literacy -Reading Challenge

Read a book or choose a book you have read. Pick a task from the reading grid. You can do a task a day.

Reading Challenge Grid

Send your work or any comments to the email below. We would love to hear from you!

Primary 3 Activities 10.06.20

Good morning

I hope everyone is having a good week.  We are going to have some fun exercising with the Avengers!


Today we are going to listen to the story Barry The Fish With Fingers and then I would like you to choose 3 activities from the list below and complete them in your jotter.

Barry the fish with fingers has many skills that he shares in the story. Can you make a list of all the amazing things he can do?

In the story, Barry saves Puffy from getting hurt. This made him the hero of the story. Can you write or record a news report detailing how Barry rescued Puff.

Barry and his friends decide to have a party to celebrate the fact that Puffy was safe. Can you write an invitation for Barry’s party that he can give to the other sea creatures?

Can you write a guest list containing all of the sea creatures that Barry should invite to his party?

What food could Barry and his friends have at their party? Can you come up with some fish friendly recipes for Barry to make for his guests?


Mrs Docherty

Primary 2 – 9.6.20

Good afternoon everyone. How did you get on this morning with your tasks? Here are a few more for this afternoon.


Mrs Keenan has asked you to watch and join in with these songs this afternoon



We have made a map of our house and a map of our street. Today we are going to try to make a map of Whitburn. Try to add roads/shops/the school/houses/restaurants/parks etcLibrary of simple road map jpg stock png files ▻▻▻ Clipart Art 2019

Remember to email your photos to me at

Have fun, Mrs Reid.

Primary 3 – 9/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone 🙂

I hope you’ve had a good morning!

Music – from Mrs Keenan

Mrs Keenan would like you to try Challenge 1 and Challenge 3 from this video:


Topic – Food and Farming

  1. Watch these videos to see what life is like on a livestock (animal) farm with Barnaby Bear:

2.  Next, design your own farm.  Use the key at the bottom of the photographs to help you design your farm by copying the symbols.

If you have any questions or would like to share your work, please email us at .

Mrs Harding

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Today for maths we are going to look at symmetry. We have done lots of work on this. Remember when something is symmetrical it is the same on both sides. You could use lego, hama beads maybe even pasta you could give the pasta some colour with pens if you like.

Why not try this game to practise your matching symmetrical pictures.


Once you have made your symmetrical picture remember to send us a picture 🙂

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

For Literacy this morning we are going to be revisiting the qu sound. Qu is made up of two sounds q and u. Watch this short alphablocks film to see how they go together.

In your jotter draw 4 pictures of words that begin with qu. Can you name them? Then write 2 sentences with your qu words.


For Music, Mrs Keenan would like you to listen to these songs and try to sing along,


Mrs Keenan would like you to listen to,

Pop back for some more activites later.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



Primary 2 – Tuesday 9th June

Good morning boys and girls, how are you today? Here are a few activities for this morning to complete.


Choose your favourite character from the book you read yesterday. Or from another book you enjoy. Can you complete the tasks below


Here are a few problem solving tasks for you to complete. Ask an adult to change the numbers to make this more or less challenging for you if needed.


Email your photos to me at

Mrs Reid

Primary 3 – 9/6/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

Maths – Position and Movement

This morning we are going to practise using grid references again to say where an object is.  (Here is the link from yesterday if you need a recap or missed it )

Can you make your own grid and place items on it?  You could make it inside or outside.  You can place any items you have in your house.

Here is an example of one I made in my garden.  I put toys in mine!

Once you have made it, can you ask and answer questions about where items are located with someone in your house?

For example:

  1. What is the grid reference for the ball?
  2. What is found at D3?

You can also have a go at Pirate Map Coordinates:


Literacy – Punctuation

BBC Bitesize has great daily lessons if you are looking for something different.

Have a go at this lesson on using exclamation marks – watch the video first, then complete the quiz and additional activities:

Let me know how you get on!

Comment here or send me an email at:

Mrs Harding

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