Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1 Maths and French

Good afternoon boys and girls,

We hope you have had a nice morning and are still making the most of the weather.

Today since it is so nice why not go for a walk and see if you can collect 12 stones and 2 sticks. Once your home can you write the numbers 1-12 on the stones and make a clock face. The sticks can be used as the hands. Can someone at home give you a time and can you make it on the clock. Here is an example. Email us your finished clocks.


French – Mrs Grenfell would like you to watch this video  and listen out for the words below

tourne – turn 

le moulin – windmill 

petit – small 

frappé – clap 

les mains – hand 

Can you make up actions for the song? 

Have a lovely day, it is another beautiful day today, enjoy the sun.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


P1 Literacy and PE Monday

Good Morning Primary 1,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

For PE today we would like you to do some dancing with the Kids Bop.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to do some handwriting. You can pick any page in one of your handwriting books. Watch this film on vowel sounds.

Remember we practise our word walls on a Monday. Today we challenge you to play a game of hop scotch with your tricky words. Ask a grown up to help you make it on the ground outside.


Pop back in a short time, I think we might hear from the friendly dragon again…


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Good morning boys and girls

Jigsaw Jack today would like you to think about friendship.

First he would like you to listen to this video from toy story

All the toy story films are about friendship and the most special friendship in toy story is between Andy the little boy and Woody the cowboy. Woody is everything a good friend should be. What makes Andy and Woody such good friends? Share your thoughts with an adult at home.

Jigsaw Jack wants to be a good friend! He would like you to help him. Can you sort these statements into true and false depending on if they are something a good friend should be or not.

Be kind

Say sorry if they have upset you

Have no other friends

Care about other people

Have lots of toys and games

Only talk to me

Copy everything I do

Bring me presents all the time


Once you have done that can you draw a picture and write a sentence to say why you are a good friend.

‘I am a good friend because……’


Have a lovely weekend boys and girls,

Speak to you on Monday.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Today for maths we would like you to practise your number bonds to 10.

Can you play hit the button – click on number bonds – addition within 10. See how many questions you can get in 1 minute. Try again see if you can beat your score.


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending. Blending is what we do when we say all the sounds and form a word. For example,

c     a     t     if we blend these single sounds together we make the word cat.

There are some words we can’t blend. These words are often called tricky words, you are learning these on the word walls. Watch this short film on BBC Bitesize,

Can you try to blend some of these words,

Here is a fun blending game you can do with the playdough that you made at the beginning of the week.

As you say the sound for each letter squash the playdough. Once all the playdough is squashed try to say the word.

For Science today, we are going to investigate forces by making a paper helicopter. Watch the film to see how,

Once you have made your helicopter we would like you to test it. Remember, it has to be a fair test so make sure you are dropping it from the same height. Gravity is the force that is bringing it down to the ground. What happens when you change the size of the propellers? Which size works best? You might need to make a few helicopters to test.

Remember to send us pictures of your helicopters to,uk

Pop back later for more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are enjoying your activities this week for fairyland- The Three Little Pigs!

This afternoon for maths can you practise your doubles.

We would like you to ask a grown up to count out a number of items for example toys, sweets, lego or maybe go outdoor and get some leaves. See if you can double the number. For example your grown up might ask you to get 2 leaves, double it how many would you need? You should now have 4.

Enjoy your day everyone

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning everyone.

For PE this morning we would like you to join Joe Wicks again.

For Literacy this morning we are going to be writing about the three little pigs and their houses. Tell a grown up what the first little pig built their house out of, then the second and finally the third. In your jotter draw the 3 little pigs next to their houses.

Then in your jotter write about the houses in the correct order. For example,

The first pig made a house out of …

Remember to take a picture and email it to us at

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls

Today for maths can you have a go at some 10 frame games. Last week you were making your own so you should be experts.

On gregtangmath you have to make the ten frames. It games you the number and you need to make the number on the ten frame.

Here you can you say how many – the circles will be on the frame can you say how many there are and how many spaces e.g. 4 circles 6 spaces.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well and safe this morning.

For Literacy this morning we are going to revisit the sound j. What colour is this sound? That’s right it’s a green sound. Watch this film and think of things that begin with j.

Using the playdough you made yesterday, can you make some things that begin with j. In your jotter, draw 4 things that begin with j and name what you have drawn. Then using two of your j words write a simple sentence, for example:

I like to jump.

There is a j challenge on sumdog for you to complete and some activities on Education City.

Remember to send us pictures of anything you have done to

For Music this week we are listening to and thinking about some of our favourite songs. Listen to these songs. What are they about?

With a grown up’s help watch the Frozen song and try to answer some of the questions.

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton