All posts by Mrs Docherty

Primary 4 Home learning 13.8.20

Good afternoon

Lets get moving with some yoga.

I can statements

can you write a list of 10 I can statements.  If you ever worry or start to doubt yourself you can look back through these statements and remind yourself of all the amazing things you can do.

I can make other people smile.

I can be brave

I can see that I have lots of special qualities.

Learner Selfie

In the middle of a piece of paper draw a self portrait.  Then around the picture write people who are important to you, things you have learned in your life, things you like to do and things you would like to learn.

See you tomorrow

Mrs Docherty

Primary 4 Home Leaning 13.8.20

Good morning

I hope everyone enjoyed there first day back yesterday and have a had a good sleep!

Here are a few activities I would like you to carry out today.

We started our class novel Matilda by Roald Dahl.  Matilda loves reading.  What is your favourite book and why?  Write about your favourite book to try and convince someone else to read it.  Draw a picture to go with your writing.

Matilda loves to enjoy a mug of hot chocolate whilst reading a book.  Can you write a set of instructions for How to make a mug of hot chocolate.  Remember to list the ingredients, equipment and list the steps needed.

Chapter 1 – The Reader of Books

Discuss the following questions with an adult.

  1. What evidence do we have that suggests Matilda might be a child-genius?


2 Give several examples to support the idea that Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood “looked upon Matilda in particular as nothing more than a scab.”


  1. Describe the kind of person Matilda is.


  1. Why didn’t Mr and Mrs Wormwood notice that their daughter was special?


  1. Do you think Matilda is spoiled? Why? Why not?


  1. Why do you think Mrs Phelps decided not to “interfere” ?

Good luck with the activities and I will post more tasks for you to complete this afternoon.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Disney Fun 26.6.20

Good morning

Sadly our Disney adventure is nearly over, we hope you have had lots of fun.

We are going to exercise with Mulan.


Enjoy the Toy Story ride.

The Toy Story characters are all very good friends. Can you write a letter to one of your friends? You might want to tell them a piece of news, or what you enjoy doing with them.

How to draw Jack Jack

Now it is time for the summer holidays, we hope you have a fun time with family and friends.  Please remember to stay safe and take care.  We look forward to welcoming you back in August.

Mrs Docherty


Primary 3 Disney Fun 25.6.20

Good morning

Time to get moving with the Lion King!


Task: We’re Flying Through the Air! Enjoy the Aladdin ride, where you fly through the sky on a magic carpet!

Where would you fly to on a magic carpet and why? Describe the setting using your most descriptive words! What would you see, hear, smell, touch and taste in the setting?


Look at the picture of Cinderella’s castle. Can you create your own castle using materials of your choice? You could use sticks, blocks, or anything else that you wish. Be as creative as you can!

Mrs Docherty



Primary 3 Disney Fun 24.6.20

Good afternoon

I hope you enjoyed this mornings activities, now it’s time to continue with our adventure.



Mickey has asked for your help to design a new ride for Disney Land! You could draw your ride or build it out of blocks, recycling etc.

Design a poster to advertise your ride if you wish –remember to include the price, height limit and any safety rules that you have.

How to draw Olaf

Can you follow the instructions to create your very own Olaf, good luck!

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Disney Fun 24.6.20

Good morning

Today we are continuing our Disney adventure and doing Yoga  with a Frozen theme.


Make a postcard to tell somebody all about your virtual trip to Disney Land! You will need to draw a detailed picture on one side and write your message on the other side. Challenge: Can you write the person’s address?

Write a diary entry about your day at Disney Land, remember to include what you did at various times throughout the day. How descriptive can you be?


Watch the clip of Ratatouille, can you help to prepare a meal or snack today? You could look at a recipe with an adult if they are using one.

Write down the recipe/instructions for somebody to follow.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities 19.6.20

Good morning

Lets warm up with some exercises!


Today is free writing Friday I would like you to write a story of your choice.  Remember to check for capital letters and full stops.  How many describing and joining words can you use?

Health and wellbeing

Rainbow meditation

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands by your sides. Breathe in and sweep your arms up above your head in an arc. Breathe out and lower your arms, picturing them painting the red arc of a rainbow. With each breath in and out, add a new colour to your beautiful rainbow. When your rainbow is finished open your eyes.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Docherty


Primary 3 Activities 18.6.20

Good afternoon


Today I would like you to try and complete the challenges on BBC Bitesize. Good Luck!


Trick your mind and Body
Hello Everyone – Here are a few tricks you can play on the people at home. Watch the video and choose a couple of the activities. You don’t need to do them all but you should try at least two.
The science behind the activities is called proprioception and is all about your awareness of your own body. In the tasks what we do is try to trick your body and confuse it. This is done by taking away one or more of your senses and it shows you how much you need your senses to understand the world. Please email a picture of you doing one of the activities and tell us how it felt. Good Luck!
Mr McCrudden

Food and Farming

I hope you enjoyed learning about life cycles, today we are going to learn about the life cycle of a chicken.  Please look at the power point below.

Chicken Life Cycle PowerPoint

Your challenge is to show me the life cycle of a chicken using a diagram, you may wish to use the example below,

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities 18.06.20

Good morning

I hope you enjoyed Zumba yesterday as we are going to give it a try again this morning.


I hope you enjoyed the Story The Highway Rat, today we are going to listen to the story Zog and then I would like you to complete the tasks below.


What skills must Zog learn at dragon school? Write a list of these skills, titled ‘How to become a dragon…’

In the story, the princess dreams of being something else when she grows up. Can you write a dream for yourself for when you grow up? What do you want to be, and why?

Imagine you were flying on the back of Zog. What would you see whilst you were up in the air, and where would you choose to go? Imagine you have arrived at your chosen destination after Zog has flown you there. Can you write a postcard from that place to the people back at home?

Mrs Docherty