All posts by Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending. Blending is what we do when we say all the sounds and form a word. For example,

c     a     t     if we blend these single sounds together we make the word cat.

There are some words we can’t blend. These words are often called tricky words, you are learning these on the word walls. Watch this short film on BBC Bitesize,

Can you try to blend some of these words,

Here is a fun blending game you can do with the playdough that you made at the beginning of the week.

As you say the sound for each letter squash the playdough. Once all the playdough is squashed try to say the word.

For Science today, we are going to investigate forces by making a paper helicopter. Watch the film to see how,

Once you have made your helicopter we would like you to test it. Remember, it has to be a fair test so make sure you are dropping it from the same height. Gravity is the force that is bringing it down to the ground. What happens when you change the size of the propellers? Which size works best? You might need to make a few helicopters to test.

Remember to send us pictures of your helicopters to,uk

Pop back later for more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning everyone.

For PE this morning we would like you to join Joe Wicks again.

For Literacy this morning we are going to be writing about the three little pigs and their houses. Tell a grown up what the first little pig built their house out of, then the second and finally the third. In your jotter draw the 3 little pigs next to their houses.

Then in your jotter write about the houses in the correct order. For example,

The first pig made a house out of …

Remember to take a picture and email it to us at

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well and safe this morning.

For Literacy this morning we are going to revisit the sound j. What colour is this sound? That’s right it’s a green sound. Watch this film and think of things that begin with j.

Using the playdough you made yesterday, can you make some things that begin with j. In your jotter, draw 4 things that begin with j and name what you have drawn. Then using two of your j words write a simple sentence, for example:

I like to jump.

There is a j challenge on sumdog for you to complete and some activities on Education City.

Remember to send us pictures of anything you have done to

For Music this week we are listening to and thinking about some of our favourite songs. Listen to these songs. What are they about?

With a grown up’s help watch the Frozen song and try to answer some of the questions.

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton




P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1.

We hope you had a nice weekend.

For PE this morning we would like you to try this activity mat,

For Literacy today we would like you to continue to read over your word walls. Remember to colour in the ones that you know really well so you can see how many you have still to learn.

There are lots of ways to remember those words you are finding challenging. If you are able to we would like you to make some playdough to make those tricky words. Here is the receipe:

8 heaped tablespoons of flour (any kind)

2 tablespoon of salt

1 tablespoon of vegtable or olive oil

about 60ml of water

Method: put flour, oil, salt and some (not all of the water) into a bowl and mix into a dough. You can add food colouring or herbs as well. Add flour or water to make the mixture soft but not sticky.

Now you can make those tricky words. You can form the words or write the words on the playdough your choice. Keep the playdough in an airtight box or food bag and it will last all week.

Pop back later for some more on Fairyland and maths.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning Primary 1,

This morning for Science we are going to follow on from the tin foil boat challenge. We saw some of your pictures and films counting out the spoons to see how many your tin foil boats would take. Well done!

Today we would like you make a baking soda powered boat. Watch the film for more information. You will need some help with this one so ask a grown up.


In Literacy today we are still looking at Fairyland. Today we would like you to:

Task 3

No one has seen the friendly dragon. We don’t know what they looks like. In your jotter can you draw a detailed picture of the friendly dragon. Then write a description so we know what they look like.

See the SWAY for hints and tips to support the writing.

Go to this Sway

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE

Morning everyone,

Hope you all well and safe.

For PE this morning we thought you might like to try something abit different. This mat asks you to make lots of shapes like you did during gymnastics.

Can you make some shapes?

For Literacy today we would like you to continue with some of the work from the Fairyland SWAY from yesterday. Today we would like you to try task 2:

Ask a grown up to help you to find out about castles. Who lives in castles? Why are the windows so small? Why is there water around some castles? What is this called?

With the information you have gathered write an information report about castles using the questions above. Draw a picture of a castle in your jotter and answer the questions. Use the title ‘What is a castle’.

Go to this Sway


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Learning Grid

Hello P1,

We hope you have had a nice relaxing weekend.

We have attached the next learning grid with lots of new activities for you to complete with your family at a time that suits you best. There is a range of activities for you to try some of which do not require to you be on a device. We don’t expect you to complete them all. Please try to do the daily tasks and possibly one or two activities from literacy, maths, health and well being and art throughout the week. Remember to email us all your super work, we love to see them.

Don’t forget to pop back to the blog where you will find some of our activities here are linked to the learning grid.

Have fun! We can’t wait to see all that you have done.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy

Good morning everyone.

Hope you are safe and well.

For Literacy our sound this week is ‘wh‘. Wh is a red sound. Can you tell a grown up which part of the mouth you use to make wh? Can you think of 4 things that begin with wh?

Here are some ideas, whiz, wheel, whale, white, whisper, whisk, whip. Can you think of any question starters that begin with wh?

In your jotter draw 4 things that begin with wh, try to write what you have drawnThen pick 2 of your pictures and write two  sentences, for example,

A wheel is on a car.


I like whip cream.

This activity is part of your new home learning grid so you can do it at a time that works best for you and your family. If you haven’t already see the grid it is in the post below.

Pop back at 10am to see more about our new topic Fairyland.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Thursday Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all safe and well.

This morning for Literacy we would like you to do the next page in your sentence book. In Education City there are two games for you to play one on the ‘th’ sound and another called the Pet Shop to help you to build sentences. Have a go.

For Science, this weeks challenge is to make a boat. Please do this lesson, as next week there will be a more complicated boat to make that should be lots of fun. So make sure we do this one to get out boat building skills up.

So first of all – Get some tin foil make it into a boat shape with a flat square bottom and edges so the water does not spill in. The water should push it up because water is a really strong force that can hold up heavy weights like real ships. If you are struggling get an adult to help. It should only take them a couple of minutes.
Once you have got your boat, start adding spoons to your tin foil boat to see how many spoons it can hold before it sinks. Before you start, can you guess how many spoons it will hold before the boat sinks?

As an extension you could make another tin foil boat and try to improve your design or if you don’t have any tin foil at home you can make your own waterproof paper at home. Yes that’s right waterproof paper! Get a piece of paper and colour it in with a crayon or a candle – make sure you cover all of the paper. The candle/crayon makes the paper water proof because it creates a barrier between the water and the paper stopping the water getting into the paper and making it soggy.

Can you take a photo and email it to us at,
Pop back this afternoon for some more fun activities 🙂
Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton