All posts by Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to use your blending skills to solve this code breaker,

For Science, Mr McCrudden would like you to watch this film and make a launcher using junk around the house. You will need a grown up to help you. Remember to ask a grown up before using it in the house just in case.

Pop back later for some more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1,

This morning for Literacy we would like you to make a wanted poster. Imagine you are one of the 3 bears and you would like to catch the person who ate all your porridge, broke your chairs and beds. Either on a piece of paper or in your jotter make a wanted poster to catch Goldilocks.


  • WANTED at the top of your page.
  • A detailed drawing of Goldilocks
  • Write what she looks like, e.g. She has yellow hair. She has a blue dress. She is tall.  You decide.
  • Remember to sound out your words, use finger spacing and capital letters.

Email us your wanted posters to,


For PE this morning we would like you try a bit of mindfulness,

P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

For Literacy this morning we are going to be revisiting the qu sound. Qu is made up of two sounds q and u. Watch this short alphablocks film to see how they go together.

In your jotter draw 4 pictures of words that begin with qu. Can you name them? Then write 2 sentences with your qu words.


For Music, Mrs Keenan would like you to listen to these songs and try to sing along,


Mrs Keenan would like you to listen to,

Pop back for some more activites later.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to write some capital letters. Using different colours can you write the alphabet in capitals?

Here is a short film explaining when we use capital letters.

Monday is word wall practise. Read over your word walls with a grown up. Pick 5 words you are finding tricky to remember and write them in the air, in flour or rice, on someone’s hand. Go on a word hunt and try to find these words around your house.

For PE this morning we would like you to join Maximo again,

Pop back later for some more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and Science

Good Morning P1,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending again. In class you looked at code breakers. Here is a code breaker using emoji’s and the sh sound. Can you find out the sounds and blending them together?

For Science this morning, we would like you to make a beanstalk using any items you have in your home. Could be lego, bricks or junk. How tall can you make it?

Remember, you can email us all your pictures to,

We can’t wait to see them.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE Wednesday

Good Morning P1,

Hope you are all safe and well.

For PE this morning we would like you to try some dancing with Maximo.

For Literacy, we would like you to try one of the Fairyland tasks from Jack and the Beanstalk.

If you had magic beans, what would they grow into? In your jotter draw a picture of what your magic beans grow into. Then write a sentence about what your magic beans have become.

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Literacy and Music Tuesday

Good Morning P1,

Hope you are all safe and well.

For Literacy this morning we are looking at the sound y. There are some words with y at the beginning but more with at the end.

Try to think of 4 words that begin with y. Then in your jotter write two sentences with y words in. Such as,

The sun is yellow.


I got a yoyo.

For Music this morning we are still looking at some of the disney songs. Here are some examples,

These songs are both about sea creatures. How do you think they are feeling? Are they happy, sad, worried, excited or angry? How does the changes in the music tell you how they are feeling?

Pop back later for some more activties,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE Monday

Good Morning Primary 1,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

For PE today we would like you to do some dancing with the Kids Bop.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to do some handwriting. You can pick any page in one of your handwriting books. Watch this film on vowel sounds.

Remember we practise our word walls on a Monday. Today we challenge you to play a game of hop scotch with your tricky words. Ask a grown up to help you make it on the ground outside.


Pop back in a short time, I think we might hear from the friendly dragon again…


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton