Polkemmet ELC- return to nursery information.

Dear parents/carers,

I would like to keep you updated regarding Polkemmet Nursery Class plans to re-open on the 12th August 2020.

Ready to return – Our primary focus has been the physical safety, mental and emotional wellbeing of children and staff, in planning our return to nursery. We know that some families may have found the lockdown very difficult, we all have different levels of worry or anxiety about our return to nursery, this is normal. Our planning will put wellbeing at the heart of our nursery return and curriculum.

We are immensely proud of our children and we thank you, the parent and carers for your understanding and resilience throughout.

7-8-2020 Nursery Return Letter for Parents

2 thoughts on “Polkemmet ELC- return to nursery information.”

  1. Hi there,

    It seems there was a problem with the link to the Nursery Information letter. I have attached it again and it seems to be working now 🙂 If you click into the green link at the bottom of the blog post called ‘7-8-2020 Nursery Return Letter for Parents’, all the information is in there.

    I hope this helps,

    Mrs Harding

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