Burning Lesson at Whitburn Academy

The Science Department at Whitburn Academy kindly invited us down to experiment with burning various substances.

Everyone had the chance to wear the cool safety goggles and bunsen burners to find the following:

Substance Burned Form Flame colour changed to…
Magnesium Metal Bright White
Copper Sulphate Liquid Blue/Green
Lead Nitrate Liquid Icy Blue
Potassium Bromide Liquid Lilac
Barium Chloride Liquid Red/Orange

As you can see there was lots of focused faces:




Maths this week has been all about lengths of time.  We decided to see how much that we really knew about what we could do in a given amount of time…

The class faced away from the clock and concentrated really hard on timing 1 minute. 

An easy task? Only for 3 class members!

We then wrote a list of things in school that we could estimate the time of and then use a timer to see if we were close, here are some of them:

  Actual Time
Run upstairs 5 seconds
Visit the office 2 minutes 15 seconds
Playtime bell rings for 10 seconds
Visit P5A 1 minute 34 seconds
Walk to the toilet 32 seconds
Find ‘mechanic’ in the dictionary 1 minute 1 second


To finish off we played a game to challenge others to complete given tasks the quickest! Tossing coins, singing ‘Happy Birthday’, drawing flowers, naming all of the pupils in the class.  Here we are having great fun!

Bleep Test

P7I were testing their fitness today by taking part in a fitness test that is used by the Emergency Services to assess fitness.

A bleep sounded to start the test and 19 energetic and enthusiastic pupils started jogging across the hall.  The made it with plenty of time to spare before the next bleep that  told them to start running back.

After a many bleeps the hall was full of some rather red faces!

Then after many more bleeps, Level 16.11, they were down to 3!


In the end it was a draw between Sean and Callum at Level 17.1

A fantastic effort boys!

Well done also to all the other class members, who really tried their best…until next time!

The Risk Factory

Our annual P7 trip to the Risk Factory has been booked for Monday 5th November 2012.

The bus wil leave at 9am and should return by 2pm approx.

A packed lunch will be required.  If you are entitled to a free lunch this must be ordered with Mrs Inglis by no later than Friday 2nd November.

*** Please do not ask anyone about or listen to any stories from people about their trip to the Risk Factory as this will waste the experience on the day!***